A look back in time (Favorite Threads).

Submitted by MichiganDynasty on

This board has become the dominatrixe's bitch and the dominatrix is the CC. Time to reminisce about old times on this here blog. Lets take a look back at old threads that made us laugh, made us pissed, and some that were a little of both. The first one that comes to mind is the MichMike86 meltdown on the "Hello Shawn Conway" post. It only comes to mind because of the recent news that Shawn will not be able to come to AA next year. So lets take a stroll down memory lane and have some laughs, get our blood pressure up and maybe shed a tear.



Bird of War

December 7th, 2010 at 3:47 PM ^

The Raback/Dorsey thread from the end of the last recruiting cycle was simply legendary.  Megan Fox got what was coming to her.  If only the story had a happy ending...


December 7th, 2010 at 4:10 PM ^

Just a few of my favorites:

1)  The one where someone descoverd that McFarlin was some creepy dog breeder or something along those lines.

2)  This was pretty far back, but the lawyer who trolled around was pretty funny.  Then someone found a picture of him and people said he looked like a child molester.  He then said he would sue all of us.

3) Any other meltdown thread.