If you hate Drew Sharp...

Submitted by M-Wolverine on
...and really, who doesn't?...(I mean, if there's ever a guy who even his mom couldn't love...)... TUNE INTO WTKA NOW!! Or, listen to the podcast later. Brian is ripping him a new A-hole. It's delicious.

Crime Reporter

February 4th, 2010 at 11:12 AM ^

I am amazed by the double standard in the Detroit media. Simply amazed. You ask the question as a reporter because it is legitimate, you maybe get a follow-up, but to carry-on like this when the coach has stated his position is totally uncalled for, and frankly, I'm sick of this shit. It is embarrassing to me as a journalist that dickheads like this make my profession look bad.


February 4th, 2010 at 12:02 PM ^

Brian should put this link on the sidebar. Reading the reviews for this book made me laugh out loud, numerous times. Pretty please read the review by "Sambuca." Literally every review of the book is negative, more than half of them call Drew Sharp a retard.


February 4th, 2010 at 3:25 PM ^

Mr. Drew Sharp: I am a former resident of Michigan and a current resident of Chicago, Illinois. I spent most of my formative years, all of my collegiate years, and plan to spend my best years, in the great state of Michigan. I follow University of Michigan athletics and Detroit's pro franchises closer than anyone in my social circles. In fact, I often am the fixture of jokes around many that think I'm full of too much worthless information, i.e. statistics, records, knowledge of coaches, accomplishments, etc. The fact remains, I ENJOY researching, following, and "devoting" much of my attention towards UM Football/Basketball, Red Wing Hockey, Tiger Baseball, etc. and reading "hometown" newspapers is where a lot of my time/day is spent. That's where "you" come in. For the life of me, I'm trying to figure out why you find the need to bash, degrade, disparage (add your verb here) the beloved University of Michigan and the teams that many of your readers root for? I formally thought it was a Lloyd Carr thing. I heard a rumor once that the two of your were at odds, so you never cut him or his teams slack. I was proved wrong when he retired. When I was younger, one of my great joys was grabbing the Detroit News and Free Press on Sunday mornings and reading about UM's game the day before. I enjoyed looking at the photos, articles, and I even managed to save many of the archives. I now look forward to sitting down with my lap top at home or spending some time in the office gathering information on Freep.com. I'm here to tell you now that those days are numbered. Myself, LIKE MANY OTHERS, are tired of your "critical" take on the Wolverines. This is something we're passionate about. I've even heard that you attended UM. Is this true? If you say yes, than it's a wonder to me how you're even allowed inside the Big House or the "House That Cazzie Built." I'm asking you courteously to please indulge me on your hatred of everything that is Meeshagan? More specifically, is there an archive available that contains articles you've written that were positive of the Wolverines? Perhaps this would alleviate the thinking of those that have determined you're simply too one-sided to ever be taken seriously again. Again, I urge you to please give myself and others like me a reason to continue following yourself and the "Free Press" as a whole. The way it is now, you're only giving us reasons to not like you or the paper you represent. I look forward to your reply. GO BLUE!!!!!! Sincerely and Respectfully,


February 4th, 2010 at 4:07 PM ^

1. mgoblog posts on it's main page stating that if you would like to see Drew Sharp fired, it's readers/viewers need to quit going to Freep.com and clicking on his articles. - This will decrease the effectiveness of his campaign to spew useless, negative, garbage in an attempt to generate more readers/clicks. 2. mgoblog then needs to state that it will post a synopsis of any Sharp articles that reference UofM. This would allow for readers who must read his articles to view them on mgoblog instead of giving him the benefit of another reader on freep.com 3. Michigan fans need to diligently write to the editor of the Free Press voicing our displeasure in Drew Sharp.