The Announcers

Submitted by Ziff72 on

I really like the announcing crew of Spielman and Meyer.  Not often I feel like I learn something watching a gamer, but they do a great job of doing an insta UFR on replays.

Today was extra entertaining as Spielman played the role of B. Cook just pounding the fact Denard needs to run and run from the gun, Meyer was entertainig as the grumpy old blue yelling get off my lawn, turnovers.

When Meyer was pounding Denard for thye pick, Spielman asked if he would pull him sarcastically, when Meyer actually said he might Spielman spent the next 2.5 hours needling him every cahance he could.

Spielman must be amped for the game next week, because he was on fire today, making fun of Urban and Michigan while dolling out some good insight.


November 19th, 2011 at 10:52 PM ^

I was particularly peeved by Spielman's insistence that michigan was faking injuries to slow down nebraska's up-tempo offense.

Meyer said repeatedly that the players are coached to go down if they cannot continue for the next play, as hobbling off just confuses your substitutions, but Spielman kept at it for a couple minutes. Felt almost like the magic voice in the headset told them to knock it off.


November 20th, 2011 at 12:07 AM ^

...because the guy who went down was Kovacs. Why would M have one of its best defenders fake an injury to buy time? And had Spielman done any research, he would have knownn that Kovacs has a recent history of injury. Like, no doy.

I like Spielman when he isn't doing Michigan games. When he does, he makes it sound like as if Michigan can do no right, and when something good happens its because the other team screwed up. His bias is so obvious, and its annoying. Michigan fakes an inside handoff to get a TD to the outside? Rather than saying it was a clever playcall, all Spielman manages was "Nebraska shouldn't have been fooled there".



November 20th, 2011 at 12:27 AM ^

as a leader on D was the only one "on the ball" enough to go down with injury (real or fake) as the announcers said that M was struggling on that play to get personel (sp) changed with NU in the hurry up mode.


A side note -- My wife (who is not a huge fan) thought the the announcers were very pro-Michigan today.


November 20th, 2011 at 12:49 AM ^

Most of you guys probably never listened to Bob Ufer do the M games. Now there was an absolute jerk. I know A LOT of people liked him but I always thought, and still do,that he was an embarrassment to the University.


November 20th, 2011 at 11:54 AM ^

speilman and meyer are worse than matt millen.

millen's stupid, and biased against michigan in general.

speilman and meyer are both incredibly biased towards the uofm for obvious reasons.

it's a complete joke that either of these crews are able to get michigan games.