What's most obnoxious State behavior of a personal relative, friend, or co-worker?

Submitted by StephenRKass on

I've dealt with the singing of the fight song over the phone two years ago. But it sounds like a lot of you living in the state of Michigan have dealt with magnitudes worse than I've experienced. Your story?


October 8th, 2010 at 4:32 PM ^

My next door neighbor and one time 4.0 student at MSU, Charles Sassafrass, once shit in some Michigan napkins that he bought at Wal-Mart and set them ablaze on my front steps. He wanted to show me how important the upcoming Michigan, Michigan St. football game was. The next Saturday he was up on his roof fiddling with his member and complaining to his malnourished son about how his dish network didn't have the game on. I said, "Charles, it's mid July, the season is a long way off. Zip up your pants and come down from there." Needless to say he had a hard time with that task, and fell to his death. He was buried with a big foam finger with Sparty stenciled on the middlemost digit. Now his son runs the family lug nut twisting business.

Scott Dreisbach

October 8th, 2010 at 5:05 PM ^

Nothing is worse for me than logging on facebook and seeing all my MSU friends update their profile status to say Sparty on.  First of all, that is dumb.  Second of all, they are glorifying their school as a party school instead of a fine academic institution that you should pride yourself on.