Thank You LeBron

Submitted by SpreadGuru on

I'm sure I'm not the first but I wanted to say thank you to LeBron James.  Because of you, the fans of Cleveland are going to hate your ass for the rest of your life.  It will make those stupid ass hillbillies for West Virginia and their insane treatment of Coach Rod look almost civil.  And when you stick it to the state of Ohio, I think you're doing every Wolverine a huge service.

By the way, I didn't care where you ended up.  Once again, thank you for sticking it to the state of Ohio.  If you're from West Virginia and you're reading this, two things come to mind.  One, you are a rarity to be from WV and able to read.  Two, you guys are assholes to and so second class, we would prefer that you didn't visit this site.

Louie C

July 9th, 2010 at 11:23 AM ^

I wasn't a fan of Lebron in the past, but since he has screwed over a MSU alum and the state of Ohio in one fell swoop, he is okay in my book.


July 9th, 2010 at 2:40 PM ^

If im lebron i leave cleveland too, "the decision" was overboard but it did raise 2.5 million dollars for the boys and girls club. He said all along it was all about winning and in the end he went to the team that he felt gave him the best chance to do that. The fans in Cleveland need to get over the feeling of betrayal, he was a free agent and he did'n't owe anything to the fans just for the fact that he is from Ohio. Gilberts letter even furthers my point, maybe this rage is not so out of character for gilbert, and if thats the case he is really the one with no class and i cant blame lebron for not wanting to play for him.