OT: Movies

Submitted by BlueFaninCincy on

I didn't put any effort into researching whether there has been a similar OT topic recently.  Understanding that I'll be savaged if there was (and maybe even if there wasn't), I'll take the risk.

Had a good run of getting out to see first run movies recently.  Saw Dunkirk yesterday.  I had been anticipating this film almost as much as the start of college football season.  Saw it in Imax (which I highly recommend).  It was GREAT!  There is about 30 seconds of calm at the beginning, and from then on your heart is in your throat for the next hour and a half.  Fantastic cast.  Fantastic music.  Fantastic cinematography.  I can't recommend it highly enough.  

The only other film I've seen in the last several weeks that I can recommend is The Big Sick.  Really enjoyed it.  The writing and the acting really bring you in with the characters.  And funny.  Laughed out loud half a dozen times.

Baby Driver was promising for the first 15 minutes, and then just got stupid.  

Battle For the Planet of the Apes wasn't awful, but didn't nearly live up to the expectations I had after reading the reviews.  I expected excellence, and it was just okay.

Wonder Woman was a steaming pile of trash.  I looked forward to seeing that film for months and months.  Such a disappointment.

Saw the trailer for the new Blade Runner.  I have high hopes for that one.  Also, Last Jedi, which, based on the trailer, looks like it can't miss.

father fisch

July 25th, 2017 at 1:37 PM ^

I saw Dunkirk on Friday night.  I have to say I was somewhat disappointed.  I love Hardy but he was hardly shown...wasted in my opinon.  I can't say I cared for the method of the story telling either.  Maybe too artsy for my summer movie tastes.  The cinematography was outstanding and I did love the way Nolan captured the futility and hope throughout the film.  There was a major suspension of belief sequence I won't mention further but that bothered the living Hell out of me.

Might be Atomic Blonde next.  I mean, it's Charlize!


July 25th, 2017 at 1:51 PM ^

It was excellent. Usually in rom coms, a character or three end up with very over-the-top personas. Every character remains real and relatable throughout without sacrificing any laughs. Really well done. I feel like anyone who didn't enjoy Wonder Woman went into it with unreasonable expectations. I thought it was exactly what it was supposed to be, and I enjoyed it. The movie I will add to this discussion that I just saw is Girls Trip. I have not laughed so hard in a theater since the first time I saw Ted. No, it is not a film that is going to win academy awards. Yes, its a shock comedy in the same vein as Hangover and Bridesmaids. I thought it was funnier than any of those. I was laughing beginning to end.


July 25th, 2017 at 1:53 PM ^

8.25 years ago, and since then the only non-kids movie that I have seen in a theater is Skyfall.  I used to love going to movies, and between that and blockbuster / netflix would catch most of the major movies each year.  Now, even with the at home options, I am lucky if I watch one new non-kids movie per year.  

And yet I somehow still manage to sneak in multiple viewings of Tombstone, Rounders, Big Lebowski, Pulp Fiction, etc..  Get off my lawn, I guess...


July 25th, 2017 at 3:25 PM ^

My kids are 11 and 10, and while in the beginning there was a definite dip in the amount of time spent in movie theaters, as they've gotten older, we have tried to get them into enjoying actually going to a theater to see a film rather than waiting until it drops on Amazon or Netflix, although we do rely on those as well. 



July 25th, 2017 at 4:31 PM ^

I'll pile on and say Baby Driver was a bit disappointing, I was really excited to see it, and it just seemed to lack something. Spiderman was a really fun one, it really keeps your attention the whole time (same with GOTG 2). The Big Sick was a very good romcom; typically romcoms are so predictable and just a repackaged version of every previous romcom that came before, but The Big Sick was very funny and definitely worth a watch. I was excited to see Dunkirk, but now have been hearing some rumblings of disappointment, that it's shown out of order (ala Memento, but not that severe), and at the end, you just don't care about the characters. I hope that's wrong, because I love me some Christopher Nolan. 


July 25th, 2017 at 5:29 PM ^

He does that Nolan thing where scenes are not in chronological order.  You notice it, but I didn't find it to be a problem.  Not even close to the way Memento is presented.  It would really surprise me that anyone would see the movie and say afterward that they didn't care about the characters.


July 25th, 2017 at 8:17 PM ^

I can't wait to see Dunkirk.  It looks really good. 

I thought Wonderwoman was kinda lame...overhyped.

I haven't seen Baby Driver yet, but am considering seeing it because it got surprisingly good reviews, which I didn't expect for that kind of movie. 

I haven't seen Battle for the Planet of the Apes yet.