Coach Harbaugh in favor of new satellite camp rule

Submitted by Amaizing Blue on

Pretty self-explanatory title.  His reasoning is that if everyone does 10, then the total number being done will be more than if a few schools do a lot more than 10 and everyone else does zero.

Brilliant PR move, as it takes the focus off recruiting and puts it on teaching kids.  That's not to say he isn't 100% sincere in his reasoning, as I think he is.…


October 6th, 2016 at 1:02 PM ^

Poor WD must feel like an ass for starting that thread arguing that Franklin was 'whining" when, in fact, harbaugh turns out to agree with Franklin!

Moral of the story, kids:  don't be so eager to jump into somebody's shit just because they say something you don't agree with.  Doing it insultingly just makes you look like a dick when it turns out you are wrong.


October 6th, 2016 at 4:59 PM ^

I'm fairly certain that a good number of you wouldn't know what to do with your free time if you couldn't bitch about WD. It is embarassing that there are adult members of this blog acting like 12 year olds because WD happens to be a little over enthusiastic when it comes to Michigan. The best is when people bring him up when he isn't even involved in the conversation. Fucking grow up already. If you don't like what he posts, move on.


October 6th, 2016 at 1:26 PM ^

Wait, is this limiting camps to a ten day period?

Or ten camps?

Or both?

Because one COULD do 50 camps in a divide-and-conquer thang over a ten day period...


October 6th, 2016 at 1:28 PM ^

Let me get this straight, so yesterday we didn't like it and thought it was bs, but today harbaugh says he likes it so we changed our minds - right?

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October 7th, 2016 at 7:39 AM ^

"The big thing is that football's being spread across the country and youngsters are getting good coaching and have opportunities to show what they can do."

That's a great quote.  It's not just PR on his part.  

Jim Harbaugh is the Shaman spiritual leader of football.  He knows it is under fire and being threatened.  Yes he wants to win championships.  But he also wants to save the game itself.