Crisis averted? Hurricane Matthew to stay south...maybe

Submitted by Phil Brickma on

Good news. Latest forecast cone from NOAA has Hurricane Matthew slowing down and taking a turn east at the Carolinas. If it follows this path, it shouldn't pose a problem for Saturday's 7 p.m. kick in Piscataway. Fingers crossed.

Congratulations, Rutgers, you get to keep your night game.



October 5th, 2016 at 10:42 AM ^

Totally agree that it will be a really big rain and wind event for most, as well as the issues with low-lying areas. The other variable in terms of storm intensity is the location relative to the eye of the storm. Anywhere to the north and east of the eye takes a much bigger punch than locations to the south and west.


October 5th, 2016 at 9:19 AM ^

When I was stationed on Okinawa we got hit by a couple typhoons and being the typhoon emergency driver it was a lot of fun. Jeep with the windsheld down with goggles and a helmet on . Stay out of the water your pretty safe


October 5th, 2016 at 3:02 PM ^

Am I the Debbie downer who mentions that a dozen people have been killed thus far by this?

It's been a crisis regardless of the effect it has on our football game being at risk. Stay safe, everyone.

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October 5th, 2016 at 11:47 AM ^

I'm supposed to fly down tomorrow for the S.C.-Georgia game. Checking constantly to see if it's happening. This after last year when I was supposed to go down for the game against LSU when a hurricane hit that weekend as well. These are the only 2 times I've tried to go to a game there. Maybe it's me.