
April 11th, 2016 at 8:17 PM ^

Can't these guys just play the game and abide by the rules for a few years? Get paid, then go smoke all the weed you want, or shoot yourself in the leg. Fucking tards.

Perkis-Size Me

April 11th, 2016 at 8:33 PM ^

A complete waste of talent. Only a fraction of a fraction of a percent of football players make the NFL, and even a smaller fraction are real talents there. Josh Gordon is a real NFL talent and he's pissed it all away.

Marijuana and alcohol are not bad drugs (in moderation), but you should never let them affect your family or your livelihood. It pisses me off that Gordon is willing to throw away millions of dollars every year just so he can get high. I hope he gets help, for his own sake, but he deserves to have football taken away from him for a long time.

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April 12th, 2016 at 10:26 AM ^

Right now I'm angry, and I want him out of this town, but it would drive me even more crazy to see him succeed with another team.

I've never seen someone who was the best player on the field even though he didn't care, and didn't try.  It was painfully obvious he was just loafing through routes, and he was still running 15 yards in front of the guy who was covering him.

I watched that dude dust Aqib Talib for 80 yards like he wasn't even there.