
February 2nd, 2016 at 2:04 PM ^

Here's to all of us that will be skipping lunch and slipping the headphones in at work and being paid by our bosses while we secretly watch the live stream of Signing of Stars! Plus run-on sentences!


February 2nd, 2016 at 2:18 PM ^

Ive decided to go into work for the rest of the day until about 8:30 tonight. I'll get my mind off of it, then come home for one of the biggest games of the year. Make sure to start drinking as soon as i get home so I can just wake up and watch all this unravel. Can't take any of this anymore......


February 2nd, 2016 at 2:21 PM ^

Having to read a statistically significant sample of these threads (now you know the secret to moderating this blog) has allowed me to follow recruiting despite not really being one who would normally care about the innerds of the process all that much.

All the same, hopefully the class turns out to be a superb one as is predicted, and hopefully no one has to be sent to Bolivia over the reaction to any disappointment - remember, we have not managed to get the sewer extended as far as La Paz Estates Phase XI due to some right-of-way issues. We hope those are resolved at a meeting later on this month.