rob f

June 15th, 2014 at 9:42 AM ^

^^^ (the above was typed by my 5-yr-old granddaughter, who is here sharing donuts and a hand-made Father's Day gift with me) 

Voltron is Handsome

June 15th, 2014 at 10:11 AM ^

I am not a papa and hope to never be. Good for any of you who are or want to be, but I just do not think I have it in me. I do not want the responsibility and kids are way too expensive.


June 15th, 2014 at 11:14 AM ^

Wrapping up a great weekend at the cottage. Golf, bonfires, grilling, boat rides and a few cocktails. Got a new charcoal grill for Father's Day today too. Now I have a smoker, a gas grill and a charcoal grill for the cottage. Meat fest will commence next weekend.


June 15th, 2014 at 11:18 AM ^

Thanks to my dad for making me a Michigan fan. I was an impressionable 8 year old back in 1979 when my pop introduced me to the fall Saturday tradition of sitting around the living room TV watching the University of Michigan play football and falling in love with those crazy, winged helmets.

My first memories include BJ Dicky, AC, and Bo!

Happy Fathers Day


June 15th, 2014 at 12:30 PM ^

My Dad died of Cancer when I was teenager. My favorite memories are sitting next to my Dad in the Big House, cheering our hearts out for Michigan. If your father is still alive, don't take him for granted; let him know you appreciate him...because I'd give anything to have one more day with my Dad. Happy Father's Day

Blue Koolaid

June 15th, 2014 at 5:52 PM ^

Happy Father's Day! My wife made be breakfast quesadillas, and soon she will make me a steak dinner. Kids did the chores. That's the best gift you can get. ;)


June 15th, 2014 at 6:53 PM ^

Very bittersweet Father's Day for me this year. 1) This is my first, although technically I'm still a father-to-be. Our first child (a daughter) is due the day of the Michigan-Notre Dame game. The Michigan fandom brainwashing will begin in earnest on Day One. 2) Yesterday my father-in-law suffered a massive heart attack and passed away in an instant. Last week he just wrapped up helping us paint the nursery. His Father's Day gifts remain wrapped but unopened. Taking a little escape for a few minutes on the blog right now as my wife finally takes an afternoon nap to recharge her emotional battery after she pulled an all-nighter helping out her mother cope with the shocking development. 3) All of which makes me full of gratitude that I still have my own dad still healthy as a horse at age 70, and who is also thrilled to be a first time grandfather due to aforementioned reason #1. Bittersweet Father's Day indeed. Make a point to appreciate your dads if you still have them, and take time to remember them fondly if you don't.

rob f

June 15th, 2014 at 11:48 PM ^

to you and your expectant wife and the rest of your families.  As I'm sure you know, your wife, no matter how strong she might be, has to be really hurting from the loss of her dear dad at such a time. 

I lost my dad 2 1/2 years ago shortly before Christmas; somehow it seems that a loss near any holiday or special day seems to magnify such loss.  But time does heal, too, so the memories will always be there to cherish---that nursery he helped paint can long be treasured  as his expression of care and love for your soon-to-be-expanding family.

Like you said so well, I want to repeat the message of your last paragraph to all:  appreciate your dads and treasure the moments you have with them while you can.  Things can (and will) change, sometimes when you least expect it.


June 16th, 2014 at 2:05 AM ^

but I share same sentiments and just advise to cherish the memories and do not dwell on the loss. That would be his wish as well.  Having lost my wife twenty years ago and being left with one teenage son, we faced some extremely difficult times.  Looking back, it seems like we took turns taking care of one another.  However, he is now travelling the world while only in his mid 30s, and I am extremely content living in a slice of Paradise in Mexico.   Things will get better.

Blue in Yarmouth

June 16th, 2014 at 11:04 AM ^

This is my fourth Father's Day without my Dad and sadly, they don't seem to be getting easier. From the time I moved out of the house until he passed away I would spend the month leading up to Father's Day trying to find the perfect gift and would always fall short. Whether it was buying him something he already had or getting him something he wasn't really interested in, it turns out nothing I actually bought him was as cool as I'd wanted it to be. The thing is, I never knew any of that until after he passed away. When going through his things with my Mom I would find old gifts I had got him and then I'd find a second of the same thing. That happened twice so I asked Mom why he bought another one and it turned out I was the one buying the second. All the same his eyes would light up and he'd give me a big hug and thank me for what a wonderful gift I had given him. If it was a book I bought than he would always come back to me and talk about what he was reading and I'd never guess that I often missed the mark until I read them myself and realized how terrible some were. Still, he never had anything but gratitude when he spoke of them. I know I'm biased, but he was the best Father a guy could have and I still think of and miss him everyday. My only wish now is that I can be 1/10 the Father to my children that he was to me and that they love me as much as I love him. I miss you Dad, Happy Father's Day.