Nassar Banner: Not a Good Look

Submitted by GRBluefan on November 19th, 2019 at 4:00 PM

Just saw this on CNN, but apparently the Psi U fraternity thought it would be good idea to hang a banner making a joke about Larry Nassar from one of their windows on Saturday.  Simone Biles was not amused.  Nothing quite like pissing off an American legend.  Way to represent, boys...

Perkis-Size Me

November 20th, 2019 at 9:22 AM ^

While I will admit that I think people take things wayyyyy too seriously in today's world, and the cancel culture can be pretty ridiculous at times, this one probably goes over the line. If I saw it, I wouldn't get too worked up about it, but then again, I'm not a victim of the guy. So I wouldn't blame victims for taking offense to this.

Nassar was an absolute monster and ruined the lives of I don't know how many women. You can mock MSU in a lot of ways, but there was definitely a much better way to go about it here. 



November 20th, 2019 at 11:58 AM ^

"Probably" goes over the line?

The real issue is that our society has inundated us with violence, crime, and personal gratification at the cost of others. It doesn't just "PROBABLY" go over the line, it ran straight past the line and kept going. As a Las Vegas native (almost 20yrs now), over abundance of sex, drugs, and more sex has desensitized me to a lot of things... even I can see that this is really disgusting.

Surprised the kids didn't have the local feminazi reich, and/or bible thumpers on their doorstep burning bras and a crucifix. Seriously...


November 20th, 2019 at 11:53 AM ^

Yup uncouth to say the least... proof that even some of our finer learning institutions in the US are failing miserably when it comes to "common sense" and basic life-skills. They should punt those students...

Then again... I didn't get into UofM, so I had to settle for Hopkins (lmao at UM admissions). To this day I still wonder who I would have needed to 'blow' to be accepted there. 


November 20th, 2019 at 2:59 PM ^

I legit don't understand why anyone would care about this.  Sure it's in bad taste but I've seen MSU people say worse about the actual victims (but they're extra-special creeps).  The banner was dumb but not worth that much attention.