HTTV? It's coming; stop emailing seth please

Submitted by bighousechris on

Anyone else still waiting to receive the Kickstarter HTTV?  I’m in the Lansing area and every day I think today will be the day.....

Yeah, I have the mobile link but I prefer to have the actual mag given the format. 

I think next year I may just wait and order it from the mgostore.  Seems like that’s the quicker option. It stinks that you think you’re getting put at the front of the line by being a backer.  Trying to be patient, but this sucks.  

[EDIT-SETH:] The upshot:

Your books are fine, and are shipping on schedule. It’s just that, as we mentioned previously, our schedule this year was backed up four weeks from normal. This had nothing to do with the printer or shipping. It’s because our whole staff had medical issues ranging from serious to life-altering this spring, and then we had a website relaunch. The last article wasn't submitted until after the date we usually have the first shipment of books in hand.

That was 10 days ago; they said up to 14 and most should arrive before that. I'm positive the Midwest was at the bottom of the stack this year, or that they were working from both ends, because Cali/Hawaii (high) and East Coast (low) zip codes arrived first and I'm still waiting on mine.

The MGoStore may be earlier than Kickstarter next year for like a third of the Kickstarter backers, but it doesn't come with a digital edition. Again, sorry it's taking so long.]

Shop Smart Sho…

August 17th, 2018 at 9:30 AM ^

I'm still waiting in Wilmington, NC. At least this week the google document says it will ship to here next week, which is an improvement over last week when it said it was going to ship in two weeks to Colombus.


August 17th, 2018 at 10:15 AM ^

Received mine on the 16th here in Plainwell/Kalamazoo. I asked my wife if “my book” arrived yet and she told me, “no just a piece of mail”, so I didn’t discover it until about 11pm last night. 


August 17th, 2018 at 10:26 AM ^

Got mine in Milan, MI yesterday, much to my delight, and even more to my son's delight (he liked using the face emoji scale to understand how good our opponents' O and D will be this year.)