His Dudeness

August 4th, 2009 at 4:25 PM ^

Jude Law. I know he is a womanizing whore bag, but who isn't right? He just looks so dashing in a suit. I love his accent too. If I could frolic down a beach with another man it would be Jude Law without question.

Tim Waymen

August 4th, 2009 at 4:45 PM ^

This is the gayest thread ever. And if you must know, Tom Brady. Andy Roddick is awesome because he boycotted the tennis tournament in Dubai when they refused to admit an Israeli player into the country. Good principles, sir. And if you haven't seen it before...


August 4th, 2009 at 4:50 PM ^

I think the first guy to say "I have a man crush", and the guy he was saying it to, were either 1) lovers; 2) social idiots; or 3) ememies. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with being gay. 1) first person needed to express his admiration for a guy but, due to his interlocutor being his homosexual partner, needed to distinguish how he felt from a real crush, starting a process similar to the one described in #2 (but with a different beginning obviously). 2) neither guy realized how effeminate the phrase sounded, alternatively thought it was cool, and thus kept repeating it until semi-idiots started repeating it, then non-idiots mistakenly thought it was socially accepted, started repeating it, thus actually making it socially accepted 3) the listener secretly didn't like the speaker and therefore didn't tell him how gay what he just said sounded, and encouraged him to repeat it. Starting same sort of process in #2.


August 4th, 2009 at 7:00 PM ^

But I'd love to spend a drunken evening with Stephen Fry, Rowan Atkinson, Hugh Laurie, Jon Stewart, and Stephen Colbert.

Blue Durham

August 4th, 2009 at 8:33 PM ^

1. Dex (come on, who doesn't have a man-crush on Dex?) 2. Route66 (nice legs) 3. Big Boutrous (who here isn't magnetically drawn to scantily-clad obese guys wearing big-ass crucifixes?) 4. Other Chris (what do you mean I can't have a man-crush on Other Chris?) 5. Meeeechigan Dan (with a little dental work, who could deny that he would be a 10)