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Scotch Here’s a solid idea. What are you drinking?
Almost Almost got there. Closer than anyone would have guessed with JOK playing all game
Refs vs Cameraman If there is one thing we've learned it's that have refs in your pocket is better than having a cameraman in your pocket. Amirite?
Hyperbole If you're going to do it, do it right. Get them more excited so it's a dagger when JOK goes ham devastates them
Preach He beat a Florida was a division champ, but a loss-loss situation to the talk on the peppers.
High bar Everyone, including Meyer, Dabo, and Jimbo, looks like dog poo when you compare them to probably the greatest of all time (undebateable the greatest of the current era). Those records are terrible of their own accord, but comparing to Saban seems meaningless since he was never on the table. Be happy it's Bama and not MSU
I mean... Here's the full game. 28:14 is pretty damning