"Weekend" Michigan Family

Submitted by lmgoblue1 on

MGoWife and I just had the BEST weekend. We set up a reunion of sorts with the people closest to us in many ways, our seatmates in the fall. None of us live near A2, the farthest coming from Utah. Went to the basketball game (celebrated a victory!!!) and dinner afterward, thre were 7 of us. So great to get to know them so much better.  Anybody out there have their own stories of their Michigan Weekend Families?  Such a cool thing. This connection , this "Michigan of Ours", overcomes political, geographical and religious/economic bounderies, at least for us. What are your stories?


January 22nd, 2017 at 9:29 PM ^

This is... unfortunate.  I've found that MGoBlog seems to have the best combination of content and users for getting useful information about what's going on around UM athletics.  And, as we just saw with the SoS scamming this week, good things can be accomplished by the users here (in part) due to the connections to the AD. I hope this is not lost.

JWG Wolverine

January 22nd, 2017 at 11:48 PM ^

This has become (reasonably) a farewell to umbig11 thread. Well deserved! Thanks forever for your inside knowledge and being an amazing member of the MGoBlog family!
I have a feeling he may eventually return.......

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