
January 25th, 2023 at 1:31 PM ^

My cousins are always posting their Wordle results.  It just shows green and empty boxes at the top row, more green in the rows below, then all green at the bottom.

"Hey, I got this one in three tries!" is the caption.  "Awesome" is the response.

I don't get it, so get off my lawn.

Mr. Elbel

January 25th, 2023 at 1:58 PM ^

I shall attempt to explain, since you obviously are very interested in keeping up with this. The green boxes are letters that are guessed completely correctly. They are both in the word and guessed in the correct spot. Often you will also see yellow (or MAIZE, if you will) boxes. These are letters that are in the word but not guessed in the correct spot, so you need to move them around in future guesses to get a green box. When you see a green box all the way at the bottom, that means they got the word correct. The number of rows there are show how many guesses your cousin took to get the word. If there are 6 rows of boxes without 5 green ones at the bottom, they did not get the word and lost.

The way they share the results are showing you these colors so as to not spoil the word but still show the progression of their guesses. Hope that helps, old man. :)


January 25th, 2023 at 1:29 PM ^

It doesn't.  Frankly it was better when it was randomly-generated.  Now it's kind of punny.  Much as I appreciated the answer being HAPPY the day after the last OSU game (sorry, spoiler), it made it a little too easy to guess.  I think they also did FEAST on Thanksgiving day or something corny like that.  


January 25th, 2023 at 1:58 PM ^

I think X hit on the most ridiculous one as people freaking died trying to "catch" Pokemon on their phone.  That was nuts.

The blue/gold dress thing swept the country but it was one of those things that nobody spent more than five minutes on.  "Hey sweetie when you look at this dress, do you think it's blue or gold? Really?  Oh I saw it differently, hey are we out of beer?"

Wordle if funny because everyone seems compelled to share their respective scores on the Twitters for some reason.  And the only thing I give less of a shit about than your Wordle score is how your fantasy football team is doing or, in betting states, that you just hit (or barely missed) you 12 leg parlay that was going to pay big.

Popeye's spicy chicken sandwich was the most important thing in this country the day the pandemic hit back in March, 2020.  That sure changed things up quick now didnt it?


January 25th, 2023 at 2:52 PM ^

I had to have a sit-down with one of my Direct Reports (a Columbia grad!!!) back then, which was basically me just saying 2 sentences --- "you're an adult, so I can't believe I have to say this, but if you miss one more client meeting because you are chasing Pokemons around, you're fired.  That's it, bye."


January 25th, 2023 at 3:10 PM ^

Count me as someone who shares my score every day on Facebook. Three of my friends share their scores with me, and I have no idea why. I really don't care about their scores, and I'm sure they don't care about mine. For those who don't play, it's just a quick brain exercise with very little time investment. One word and you're out. 


January 25th, 2023 at 1:42 PM ^

My brother sent me his results early this morning (he's 2 hours ahead of me) and typed out "HAIL" in the text as a clue. Dumb old me kept trying to fit "victor" in to the boxes. Ugh. Got it in three though. I'll take the birdie on that hole (we track it in golf terms: each Wordle is a Par 4). 


January 25th, 2023 at 6:17 PM ^

You are right, Wordle is a par 4!  I’ve never had and never will have a double eagle. It’s practically impossible to not finish in 6, a double bogey, in hard mode. 

My brother and I use the same random start word and see who finishes first.  I like picking terrible start words.