Mr. Robot

June 9th, 2010 at 4:53 PM ^

Indeed, that was a bit of a jerk move. I don't know why the guy wouldn't be entitled to know Michigan was interested though. Its not like we knew we were losing our other coach, and clearly the guy preferred us, because, well, he took the job.

He's got every right to be upset that he got rejected like that, but I think he should be more upset with the hire that turned him down than the guy who had the opening.


June 9th, 2010 at 4:58 PM ^

"As for his own program, Hawkins said he's turning to a list of candidates that includes those he recently considered during the process of hiring Jeff Dunlap and thinking he'd hired Jordan."

Uhhh ... isn't this exactly what he is criticizing Beilein for doing?

spam and beans

June 9th, 2010 at 4:57 PM ^

When Beilein was hired as Michigan's Basketball Coach, obviously he was supposed to concern himself with the success of WMU.  Why else would Michigan have hired him?  And the Assistant coach who spurned WMU, you have to wonder why he would leave the high profile broncos program to join UofM and Big Ten Basketball?  Doesn't he know that national exposure and amazing resumes are the stuff of WMU?


June 9th, 2010 at 5:01 PM ^

Wow!  That guy is insane.

Beilein didn't need to make the courtesy call, but he did.  I think that was a very respectful thing of him to do.  The WMU coach seems to admit he was a prick to Beilein.  WMU also admits that the job was pending a background check and contract signing.  Beilein had the class to be graceful when Jack split for a better opportunity.  Hawkins should have done the same for Jordan.

Coincidentally, Mike Jackson was in a similar position when Beilein was hired and initially didn't retain Jack.  Mike was hired at...maybe Western Illinois (or something like that)...but when Michigan called him back, the other school was extremely gracious, understanding and professional in seeing Mike back to UofM.  


June 9th, 2010 at 5:08 PM ^

...hadn't signed a contract and was offered $50K/yr more by U-M.  Yeah, Hawkins really should have expected that he'd stick with his "commitment" to the Broncos.

As soon as Jackson announced for Purdue, Hawkins should have expected this was going to happen since Jordan was on Beilein's short list for the position won by Alexander. 


June 10th, 2010 at 4:03 PM ^ The Wolverine by Chris Balas (free content):

"I think highly of [Jordan], obviously highly enough to hire him," Hawkins said.

Just not highly enough to respect his no-brainer of a decision, apparently, without making an ass of himself.


...Had Hawkins waited that same week or few days before reacting to it, he probably would have realized it and made the wise decision to keep his mouth shut and accept it for what it is - just part of the business.


June 9th, 2010 at 5:12 PM ^

rule was probably in the same book of unwritten rules that Joe Tiller held so dearly to his heart. Is this the classiest thing ever? Probably not, but it happens. Wasn't Billy Donovan the coach of the Orlando Magic for about 30 seconds? Wasn't Ron English technically a member of the Bear's staff before Carr hired him away?  These guys are all looking for better opportunities. They can't control the timing.  It sucks to be on the short end but what are you going to do.


June 9th, 2010 at 6:15 PM ^

Hawkins is just pathetic and I think he'll find little sympathy outside of those within WMU. That's the breaks when you're at a mid major. How do you think the AD's at mid majors feel when their coaches are constantly getting plucked by bigger programs? Deal with it and move on.

Flying Dutchman

June 9th, 2010 at 10:03 PM ^

I'm a WMU grad, so I get to say that Hawkins should just shut the fuck up until he wins something.    He had the best player in the MAC for the last several years and still couldn't put together any real good teams.