Shaq Calls Austin Hatch His Hero on Twitter

Submitted by maizenblue92 on

Shaq recently watched the Austin Hatch story on ESPN and took to twitter to call him 'his hero'. Pretty cool recognition.

Not really sure how to embed but here's the link: 

Block quote because the link seems to be having problems,

"Just got thru watchin ESPN THE AUSTIN HATCH STORY, Austin if your seeing this brother, you are my HERO dude. Incredible story #youthemanbro"

Joel Osteen

April 1st, 2015 at 7:25 PM ^

Austin Hatch is such an inspiration. I saw him walking around near campus the other day, and couldn't believe how strong of an individual he is.

We'll be Champions

April 1st, 2015 at 7:29 PM ^

As someone who has dealed with lots of medical problems, no where near what Austin Hatch endured, he is my hero. He inspires so many people, and reminds us that things can get really bad, but if you get up and put effort in everyday, than it has the potential to get better.


April 1st, 2015 at 7:43 PM ^

The link to the tweet no longer exists. Not sure if it was snuffed by Shaq later or if Twitter is having one of it moods. 

The bit they did on GameDay for him a couple months ago was a great piece, but really the entire story - which is difficult to capture on GameDay - is incredibly moving and a tribute to the strength of man on so many levels. In this case, one man who has lost so much and been told that he may not be able to do the very thing he is now doing. It's hard to not see it as heroic really.


April 1st, 2015 at 7:45 PM ^

When the story came out I showed all of my classes the video. You could have heard a pin drop in every class. The kids were honestly moved especially since I teach at an aviation themed high school.


April 1st, 2015 at 9:13 PM ^

I really like Austin's story, and I am really glad UM kept his scholarship open. As a pilot I still have some real discomfort about his father's choices...really happy for Austin, really conflicted about the situation is father put him and others in... Not Austin's fault...but still part of a the big picture

Tim Waymen

April 1st, 2015 at 11:53 PM ^

Shaq's the man. One of the greatest NBA personalities of all time. I still can't get over the ordeal Hatch went through. I see him as something of a modern-day Job. Can you imagine what it must be like to come out of a coma to that? And to have his optimistic attitude, I don't know how he does it. What a strong man.