A Scientific Survey Explaining This Board and Soccer - Please Participate!

Submitted by dex on

In the interest of science, I'd like to get to the bottom of why there are so many whiners here who simply CANNOT SHUT UP about the fact they hate soccer. So here we go with a poll ...

Answer with as many choices as apply

If you hate soccer, were you:

a. Forced to play by your overbearing mother because football was too dangerous

b. Too afraid to actually play football, so you thought soccer would be safer and then got disappointed when you sucked at that as well

c. Dumped by a girl for a soccer player because she wasn't impressed with your NCAA XBox coaching

d. Molested repeatedly by a youth soccer coach

e. Molested once by a youth soccer coach

f. Currently are a molesting youth soccer coach

g. Currently being molested by a youth soccer coach

h. Asperger's case who can't bear the thought of anything existing other than college football

i. Terrified of bees


k. Insecure about your own choice of sports and afraid when people talk about something you don't understand



Dark Blue

June 28th, 2010 at 10:46 PM ^

I pick X. The LEADERS AND THE BEST does not approve of soccer and I was molested repeatedly by a guy claiming he was my soccer corch. I don't ever remember playing soccer though, and my Mom called this guy Uncle Rufus. Weird?