Ron Artest's open letter to Tiger

Submitted by mattbern on
I know the whole Tiger story has been played out and nobody really cares anymore, but Ron Artest posted this on his blog yesterday and it was interesting to get another athlete's take on the situation...or at least I thought it might be....whatever, he tried, i guess...


December 16th, 2009 at 3:33 AM ^

"Before I got married to my wife, I had a baby with another young lady, after I already had two by my girlfriend who is now my wife. We also had another baby which makes three for us and four for me." "I cannot sit here and say the thought to have many women has never crossed my mind. If I were Jesus I could." "This is your first publicly known issue since you started your career, compared to my 50 or more publicly known issues and mistakes."


December 18th, 2009 at 1:32 PM ^

+1 for the incoherent ramblings of an intellectual midget I love how he points out right up front to "Remember only Jesus is perfect." Somehow I've never received the impression that Tiger is much of a Bible thumper, so I'm not sure that is going to be much consolation. Seriously, how low do you have to sink before you start getting advice and an "attaboy" from Ron Artest?


December 16th, 2009 at 8:33 AM ^

What exactly does he mean by this: "...and I still cope with the fact that there are so many women out there and I choose to stay loyal to my wife."

El Jeffe

December 16th, 2009 at 10:07 AM ^

I think he means that he continually struggles to stay faithful to his wife despite the throngs of NBA groupies who want to sleep with him. That is likely to be, by a fairly wide margin, the most sensible and thoughtful idea to be publicly associated with Ron Artest.


December 16th, 2009 at 10:27 AM ^

I could forgive Tiger if it were 1 or two women but it's up to something like 15 now. He is a pile of crap. He doesn't love his family or he wouldn't have done all of that. I don't really care what Artest thinks. His opinion shouldn't matter. Basketbrawl.


December 16th, 2009 at 11:09 AM ^

First off, if Ron's opinion shouldn't matter than neither should yours or the other countless media outlets that choose to continue weighing in on Tiger's personal issues. Yes, as fans we do have some right to know what's going on in his life if it perpetuates his character. Everyone is getting caught with the amount of women and how it happened. Whether it was 1 woman or 1 million women, IT IS STILL CHEATING and a cheat is cheat. However, that is an issue for him and his family to work out. Why do people base their feelings toward particular athletes in terms of who they are as a person. If for one second you think you know any of these athletes, YOU ARE WRONG. You know their athletic careers and less than 5% of their personal lives. Don't forget that the reason that WE ALL FELL IN LOVE w/ Tiger is, b/c he can hit a golf 400 yards. Besides, we don't know what the situation is that made Tiger do these things: Has she ever cheated on him? Maybe his marriage has been unfulfilling? Maybe their marriage is staged for publicity and they both knew what was going? Which of these women are telling the truth? You have no clue what is actually going on behind the scenes. People do yourself a favor and save the world valuable television time by letting go of these make-believe relationships where we think we know an athlete. Love them for what they are, incredible athletes. Just because they can swing a bat, hit a golf, run a fake 4.3 40-yard dash, jump & run, etc. does not mean that they are a quality human being. And just b/c someone does something that comprimises their character, it doesn't mean they aren't a good person. People are all children of God and Ron Ron is right, Only Jesus is perfect. And yea, there are A LOT more people in prominent positions that are doing the same thing. Athletes, actors, politicians, pastors, and even school teachers are cheating on their spouses. People it is 2010, look at the divorce rate and look at the rate of divorces that are based on infedelity. TIGER WOODS is a cheat, oh well get over it. He is human and he is still an incredible athlete. Like before, I will continue to respect Tiger's GOLFING ABILITIES. I do not care what he does off the course, b/c I do not know him and have no desire to ever get to know him!!!


December 16th, 2009 at 11:13 AM ^

Couldn't have said it better myself, but there is one thing...we are allowed to discuss this if we want to with our fellow mgoblog populus. That's much different than breaking a story on the news or writing a letter to Tiger Woods. I do agree with the general principle behind your post, though. Good stuff.


December 16th, 2009 at 10:48 AM ^

The National Enquirer? It's not a coincidence that all these women that are coming out claiming to have slept with him are money grubbing whores who will do anything for a little face time, good or bad. I will believe it once I see proof for myself. I think we all know, espcially around here, that the media can't be trusted (especially newspapers). I also don't really care what Ron Artest has to say, either. He says he has to "cope" with his decision to stay loyal to his wife? Sorry life is so hard for you, Mr. Artest. If you have to cope with the lifestyle of a professional athlete, then you have serious issues. El Jeffe, I hope that your interpretation is correct, it came off differently to me...sounded to me like he was saying he has to cope with his decision to remain faithful to his wife and family. Either way, I don't really care what he has to say in general, but I do agree with him that the media has been ruthless. It's nothing new in this country, but there has to be some degree of privacy. Gotta feel for Tiger's wife in this situation...on top of having to deal with Tiger's infidelity as a family, they have to see all these rumors and shit plastered everywhere about them. That's not really fair to her or their children.


December 16th, 2009 at 11:36 AM ^

What sort of proof do you think you will see? There will be no proof. There will be no CSI team trying to get Tiger's DNA from these women so they can say "HA! I told you so". Indeed some of the women and their reports may be wrong, but most likely there is a large percentage that are not.


December 16th, 2009 at 2:04 PM ^

I don't expect to see any proof unless he goes through the list that's been formed and checks yes or no, which obviously will never happen. I just think it's a little outrageous how many women are suddenly a mistress of Tiger Woods just because they say so. Taking porn stars and club promoters for their word is sketchy at best. Bottom line is that he made a mistake, he brought it upon himself but there should still be a degree of privacy. It's not like he is an elected official, who would be expected not to be so cavalier with his personal life. He is a professional golfer. What he does with his personal life should be his business. I realize that he has high exposure in the media, but that is for what he does on the golf course. The line has to be drawn somewhere. That being said, I do not feel sorry for him.