Risk Day 43- The Evil Empire Is Now On The Doorstep Of Alaska. Meanwhile, Miami Beach Has Been Swarmed By Wolverines.

Submitted by Michigan CFB R… on May 4th, 2020 at 12:38 PM

The current map is full of risks and opportunities. On the risk side, Georgia Tech has significantly expanded its presence in California, Ohio State is now in BC (which borders Alaska in this game), Chaos is back on our borders, and we have just one territory in Texas. On the opportunity side, we still have our Texas territory, we're continuing to occupy major chunks of Ohio State's northeastern footprint, we've maintained our presence in Georgia Tech's Carolina foothold, and we've now infiltrated Miami (through Hawaii). So what's a Wolverine to do in these circumstances? Well, the answer to that question directly depends on how much power we can generate over the next few turns. If you guys don't show up, we're going to take a beating and we'll have to more or less focus on defense. We are stretched too thin and we don't have enough protected territories to sustain our success without significant manpower.

On the other hand, if you guys do show up, the possibilities are exciting. We could continue to fight the Buckeyes for supremacy in the northeast, we can try to take over the Florida peninsula (and keep the Wolverine shore invasion going), and we can push to evict Georgia Tech from the west coast. All of that is possible, though, only if we have a ton of you getting your assignments from MichiganCFBRisk.com EVERY DAY and executing them EVERY DAY.

I've talked in the past about shooting for 1,500 players, and that's still the goal. We had a dip in participation over the weekend, but I know we can erase that dip and then some. I KNOW we have enough crazed Wolverines on this board to get us to that 1,500 player market and put us in position to take home the W. It only takes a few seconds each day, but your commitment to the cause could mean the difference between the Buckeyes getting bragging rights and Michigan becoming the champions of the west...the east...and everything in between. Go Blue!

Steps To Play Every Day With Hyperlinks: Attached to this post is a PDF with easy to digest instructions and hyperlinks. Below is the same information written out.

  1. Sign up for a https://reddit.com/ account if you don’t have one already
  2. Visit https://collegefootballrisk.com/ – Click Sign in with Reddit – Select Michigan as your team
  3. Visit https://michigancfbrisk.com/ - click “Login using Reddit” – Click “Get an Assignment”
  4. Return to https://collegefootballrisk.com/ – Scroll to the bottom of the page and execute your assignment (Note: Simply clicking action so that it becomes highlighted gray confirms the move. There’s no submit or confirm button needed)


May 4th, 2020 at 1:14 PM ^

I have posted in the previous threads but Saturday my assignment was attack Connecticut. I did that but then when I signed in Yesterday it showed me as a 1* with a streak of 0 M CFB Risk said that they would fix it but today it is still showing me as only a steak of 1.



The Victors

May 4th, 2020 at 12:59 PM ^

I still maintain the stance I stated earlier -- we were always spread too thin. Particularly our presence in Texas, which was/is a waste of precious resources and star power, and never made sense to me.

Also, are we sure Nebraska is an ally? They seem to be attacking us far more than attacking Wisconsin. In fact, it seems like Nebraska and Wisconsin have been allies, as neither has really infiltrated the other even though they've bordered each other the whole game.

4th phase

May 4th, 2020 at 1:14 PM ^

2 days ago the map looked great. It was a lucky roll from being game over for everyone else. If we kept the north east and got a better foothold in the southeast, then OSU and GT we’re screwed. But yeah now it seems things are falling apart. No protected territories and every team is against Michigan


May 4th, 2020 at 1:01 PM ^

tried to do this three times today and each time i get to the 'put in your move for the day' link, i hit it just like always but now it takes me to a map screen and a timer telling me how long this turn lasts. 

normally you get taken to a screen that shows two sets of college logos, one under an 'attack' moniker, the other under a 'defend' moniker.   stuff's broke. 

4th phase

May 4th, 2020 at 1:11 PM ^

Streak reset apparently. Went from 3 star to 2 star. Even though I know to wait for the green banner that says your move has been successfully submitted. Oh well I guess

Blue Ninja

May 4th, 2020 at 1:12 PM ^

A few more territories and we will control the place where I live in South Carolina! The calvary is on its way! LOL! Maybe its time to move on and take the SEC homeland? That would be awesome!

rob f

May 4th, 2020 at 2:13 PM ^

I took care of my assignment mid morning, it worked on the first try, as usual. 

I also noticed today that I gained a star!



May 4th, 2020 at 2:16 PM ^

Things have gotten all kinds of screwed up for me.

I can't 100% say I played on Saturday (I thought I had, but maybe not), but apparently things didn't register and on Sunday my streak had reset (3 star down to 1).

Also, Sunday when I clicked to get my order the button was unresponsive, I clicked a few more times.  Eventually I had about 5 orders flash on my screen all at once.  I executed the last order as it was all I could see.  Today I'm blacklisted (I'm currently defending a territory bordering OSU to be safe).

If any of the organizers could help with the blacklist thing that would be great. (reddit name same as my user name here).


May 5th, 2020 at 3:10 AM ^

When I lost my streak I'm pretty sure its because I was putting in moves right around the time it changes days and managed to just miss an entire 24 hour period. That probably has happened to others.