RIP Gene Wilder

Submitted by EastCoast Esq. on

Gene Wilder is dead at 83. He is probably most famous for his role in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory as Willy Wonka, but I'll always remember him for his role as Dr. Frankenstein in Young Frankenstein.

A truly brilliant comedic actor.




August 29th, 2016 at 3:45 PM ^

Where to even start with this guy. Young Frankenstein? Blazing Saddles? Willy Wonka? I'm going with the more obscure and largely forgotten Stir Crazy with Richard Pryor:



August 29th, 2016 at 4:01 PM ^

Reunited in the afterworld with Gilda Radner hopefully - taken too early for her time - and laughing his ass off with Richard Pryor again...  I remember my Mom quoting the "We Bad!" line when I was a kid ..parents were big fans.


Stir Crazy ...Blazing Saddles ...Willy Wonka ....lesser known Silver Streak.  Bummer.



August 29th, 2016 at 4:05 PM ^

He was a great comedic actor.

When I think of him, I think of him with Harrison Ford in the "Frisco Kid".

That movie sounds AWFUL on paper, but somehow works well in execution.

Man, 83 is just 35 years away.

Where does the time go? I remember when he was young!

father fisch

August 29th, 2016 at 4:08 PM ^

I remember seeing an interview with Mel Brooks talking about how he had bounced the script for Saddles off his good friend Wilder.  I forgot the name of the actor who was cast as the Waco Kid but it turned out he was really drunk all the time!  Brooks had to replace him and asked Wilder to do it.  Wilder was in NY working but flew back for the few days of filming that were needed.  He already knew the script, so....

I love stuff like that.


August 29th, 2016 at 4:27 PM ^

It's Frahn-ken-steen. Gonna have to blaze me some saddles tonight and remember a true legend. The romantic in me is hoping he and Gilda will be having some laughs soon :)