Points down again? [Ed: yes, installing a thing]

Submitted by Sam1863 on January 19th, 2023 at 4:37 AM

[Seth cutting in here. The points system is a custom module so it has to come down when we make an update or I flush the cache. Usually you guys don't even notice because it's at 4:30 a.m. on a Thursday. Sheesh!]

Apologies if this has been previously raised, but has the points system gone belly-up again?

Now, it could be that there's something wrong with my computer. That's certainly a possibility, since I have a PC that's so old it types in pencil. (Apologies to Steven Wright).

Or, it could be that the system has ceased to be, become bereft of life, has gone to meet its maker, shuffled off this mortal coil, and has become an EX-point system.

Either way, I thought I'd bring it to the attention of the powers-that-be, if it hadn't been done already.

PS: On the plus side, it does still have lovely plumage

Blue Vet

January 19th, 2023 at 6:17 AM ^

Now we have a clue how some MGoBloggers have hundreds of thousands off points:

— when the points system goes down, all those apparently missing points leak over to them

[to the Mods: I've probably gotten 10,000 points or so while the system's down so you can just go ahead and add those points to my total.]


January 19th, 2023 at 7:26 AM ^

I honestly didn't even know there was still MGoPoints. Just realized you have to click someone's username to see them.

I thought points were gone a long time ago.


January 19th, 2023 at 7:46 AM ^

Rumor has it that this was the cause of the Weiss incident. Furious and determined to uncover the true identity of Ghost of Jermaine, out him or her, and make sure they lose all their MGoPoints, Matt Weiss broke into every computer in Schembechler to get to them.


January 19th, 2023 at 8:21 AM ^

<evil laugh>Mwahaha!</evil laugh>

I love it when points are down! Gives me a feeling of invulnerability!  I can post with impunity!!!


(Led a negbang once when posts were down. Trust me, the math still adds up eventually. Not that most of us give a flying flip about points)

Edit: I stand corrected. "Sometimes the math still adds up eventually" is more appropriate. Didn't seem to add up this time. I'm quite certain I received a lot more hate over the past few days than I currently see.  Oh well, today's a new MGoDay...


January 19th, 2023 at 8:28 AM ^

We're just installing an update this morning. I figured nobody would notice if it was down for a few hours. Damn you Michigan: your constant news cycle is messing with our need for people to not want to read our site during certain times of the year.


January 19th, 2023 at 9:12 AM ^

It wouldn't be such an issue if the code allowed for points to be queued when updates are being done and then added once the updates are finished.


Also, maybe Brian can hire Matt Weiss to take over the admin of the website?


January 19th, 2023 at 9:48 AM ^

What I'm taking away from all this is that MGB points are suspended pending the investigation of MW which is also holding up negotiations between WM, JH and SO, as well as the recruitment of JD which could be a battle between TTUN and OSU coach 3B