Plug for attending hockey games at Yost!

Submitted by jimmyjoeharbaugh on February 6th, 2023 at 9:41 AM

So I attended my first ever hockey game of any kind this weekend at Yost (saturday night's drubbing of wiscy). It was SO MUCH FUN! I took 2 kids with my father-in-law. The place was sold out, the energy was high, the game was amazing. I got a sense that a big percentage of the crowd were true fans, townies that attend a lot of games, and you could sense the camaraderie of the crowd, moreso than the crowds at the basketball games.

And I say this as someone who's never been interested in hockey in the slightest. Everything I know about it, I learned from old school video games 25 years ago. I did not grow up in Michigan and hockey just wasn't a thing in my area. 

So I'm just posting a little plug for anyone nearby Ann Arbor who hasn't considered attending a game - great venue, great action, great crowd, really fun time for a family outing! And finally, as someone who's been struggling with what to do about watching football because of the injury/cte conversation, it occurred to me that hockey might be a viable alternative. Yes I realize there are fights and injuries but it certainly can't be as bad as football, right? (i'm assuming here. i haven't looked into it).

Ok that's my plug! check out michigan hockey!


February 6th, 2023 at 10:03 AM ^

Sounds like it made a great impression

The college hockey environment is so much more enjoyable than the pros imo...though I can understand the pros wanting some things to be a bit more toned down.

The hockey program at Michigan has churned out lots of pros over the years and continues to do so (the last of years being incredible with 5 first round picks one year)

As a long time hockey fan, I can tell you that there's a lot of concussions and CTE unfortunately... they are going their best to mitigate it, but unless they make it a non-contact sport, its tough to get around some level of concussions.


February 6th, 2023 at 10:14 AM ^

I'm very glad you made it to Yost.  It's a tremendous venue - and, the proximity to Central Campus is nothing short of great.   Easy to get to - intimate setting - etc...

The only "tough" thing about Yost - is getting tickets.   You have to plan and purchase "early" in the year - ideally, the moment tickets go on sale.

Our children are students at Michigan - and, we attend every hockey game we can.   My recommendation to them was - to get tickets for 1) football, 2) hockey, and 3) basketball.   They can go to the games they can - based on schedule, exams, study groups, etc. - and give / sell / trade the tickets to games they can't make it to with their friends.

Personally, I enjoy sitting across from the student section - since, they are an incredibly knowledgeable and passionate group.   Their creativity has no bounds.

Here's to your next game at that venerable venue.

Go Blue!

Sione For Prez

February 6th, 2023 at 12:07 PM ^

My 4 year old loves going to the hockey games because they are so interactive.  The chants after a goal, yelling "see ya" to a guy who got a penalty, calling the other goalie a sieve. I took her to one of the first games of the year and she remembered the chants from the year before without prompting.