Overheard at the Ohio Graduation Test . . .

Submitted by ImSoBlue on
OK everybody, welcome the Ohio Graduation Test! Now let’s see who we have here today. When I call your name, please respond by naming your favorite college. Ready? Let’s start: Hall, Marcus I’m a buckeye sir! OSU! Very good Marcus, your question is: In the famous song, “The Wheels on the Bus”, please describe what the wheels actually do? They go round and round? Outstanding! You pass and congratulations! Next up is: Wood, Jamie Sir, OSU sir! Jamie, your question is. “What is the phone number you would need to dial to reach 911?” 911 sir? Wonderful! You pass the test! Next up is: Turner, Justin Sir UM, sir! (crickets) Did you just say UM, as in the University of Michigan, leaders and best, and all of that? Sir, yes sir! Please answer “What is the absolute value of PI?” It’s delicious? I think we’re done here Mr. Turner. You are excused.


June 4th, 2009 at 9:23 AM ^

Well, he's right. It IS delicious. On that note, every year I carve 3.14 into my Jack O' Lantern for Halloween. I will keep doing it until one of my neighbors gets it.