Ouch! Someone doesn't like this board...

Submitted by chimmychonga on
Well, while I was trying to decipher the fuckin Davinci code over on GBMW (I know, I know). I looked at a comment and read this: North Korea should Nuke Mgoblog's Board said... "It's great to hear stuff like this unlike on that cesspool of a board on MGOBLOG where a bunch of circle jerkers from WLA and their non WLA twinkies hang out and stroke each other off." LOLZ. Oh well I'm pretty sure it was that Gremlin guy. He can continue stroking that thing hanging out of his mouth.


June 9th, 2009 at 10:58 PM ^

I actually enjoy the WLA's input even tough I do not read their blog often, their humor is usually a welcome addition. GBMW sucks, because, I know talk English good no Sugarcoat.

Big Boutros

June 9th, 2009 at 11:05 PM ^

Honestly, I don't know what someone could identify as really objectionable about this board. Even the snarkiness is delivered with considerably more prose than virtually anything else on the vast, creepy internet, and if he doesn't encounter assholes every day in real life, then it's time for him to explore the natural world a bit further and thicken his skin.


June 9th, 2009 at 11:16 PM ^

North Korea should Nuke Mgoblog's Board said... It's great to hear stuff like this unlike on that cesspool of a board on MGOBLOG where a bunch of circle jerkers from WLA and their non WLA twinkies hang out and stroke each other off. Run-on sentence, PITIFUL. DESERVES to be NUKED by N. Kor. himSELF. SUGARCOATLESS!!!


June 10th, 2009 at 8:46 AM ^

I think there's actually a really excellent philosophical discussion posed by the topic title. Should it have an OT or not? On the one hand, the thread is about the board itself, and what could be a more on-topic discussion? On the other, the generally accepted convetion is that technically the board is for discussion of Michigan athletics, and the board itself is not Michigan athletics. There's a field day to be had with this kind of discussion, I just know it.


June 10th, 2009 at 11:43 AM ^

by a douche is better than being liked by the douche. I mean seriously, think of the douchiest person you know. Now ask yourself...would you really want THAT person complimenting you? No sugarcoat!