OT Pickle in my beer

Submitted by HelloHeisman91 on
Not sure how many Bloody Mary drinkers we have on the blog and I bring this up because after a few Budweisers, I drink them occasionally because my late grandfather drank Bud, I felt like a snack and a night cap. Thus, why not throw a pickle in my pint glass and skip the Bloody Mary making process? I think it's genius and thought some of you might enjoy the idea.


January 6th, 2010 at 1:03 AM ^

Goes well with a Budweiser. I can tell you that for sure. What if your favorite BM mix? I like Finest Call Extra Spicy with some pepper, seasoned salt, w'shire, a splash of lemon, a splash of lime, splash of tabasco, pickle, two shots of Smirnov(pint glass serving), and a beef stick. Special ingredient, a splash of OJ. I know it sounds like a lot and somewhat strange but it is unreal.


January 6th, 2010 at 1:17 AM ^

I tend to be high on the veggies, so if you have salt, pepper, two olives, two cocktail onions, pickle, celery, lime, and even occasionally tomato, you've got a fan in me. But being that I'm poor and in grad school, I've yet to really explore the BM world. I've found that many places are not trying to get into the BM market with Bloody Martinis and other such drinks using Absolut Pepper.


January 6th, 2010 at 1:27 AM ^

I like spicy and salty. Celery sticks are a nice thing to mix it up once and a while but I have been a big believer in the beef stick since a trip to Milwaukee a few years ago. Perfect cocktail for your first tailgating drink because it is breakfast in a glass. Between the beef and the pick and the mix you have a great breakfast with some vodka just for fun.


January 6th, 2010 at 10:22 AM ^

Went to a family BBQ in Milwaukee last summer. Menu- Kielbasa, Brats, Italian sausage, steak, BBQ pork roast, real casing hot dogs, giant home made burgers. Not a single veggie in sight and they thought that was normal. A beautiful thing. Toss in a jalapeno pepper with your beer or bloody mary not bad at all. Love the beef stick idea, first time for that one.

Simi Maquoketa

January 6th, 2010 at 5:51 PM ^

For the gratuitous "poor and in grad school" drop. I think you have found a way to get that in every thread you have ever posted. When you can drop it in a "pickle in my Budweiser" thread, you have indeed achieved lofty status among those who find ways to get their educational boner measured in threads.


January 6th, 2010 at 11:08 PM ^

For the gratuitous "I'm a contrarian douche" stance. I think you have found a way to be one in every thread you have ever posted. When you drop it in a "pickle in my Budweiser" thread, you have indeed achieved lofty status among those who find ways to get their monster dickitude measured in threads. (When Brian calls you an ignorant dick, you should probably stop.)


January 6th, 2010 at 1:39 AM ^

A pickle also makes a fantastic chaser, even with something like tequila. The minute you bite into the pickle the taste of the alcohol vanishes immediately.


January 6th, 2010 at 1:49 AM ^

i have a good Russian friend who swears by Stolichnaya Vodka w/ a pickle as a chaser... never tried it but i need to sometime lime w/ tequila for me. i love a good margarita


January 6th, 2010 at 8:12 AM ^

If you ever get to either Traverse City or Boyne City there is a restaurant at both called the Red Mesa. They serve a Bloody Maria in which they in house infuse vodka with jalapeno pepper. It's served with chili pepper around the rim and a cheese stuffed jalapeno as part of the garnish. It is excellent. Might help to have a cold Dos Equis draft along with it if needed which they have as well.

Wolverine In Exile

January 6th, 2010 at 11:58 AM ^

Worked in the IM dept with me and he introduced us to the pickle in the beer concept. Then he usually sang the Yooper woodchuck song, which also enhanced the night. I was skeptical about the pickle until I tried it. Best Pickle Ever. Recommend a cheap lighter lager... pretty sure it wouldn't work with Guiness / other heavy flavor beers. EDIT:: Song was the Yooper "Porcupine Song" not the woodchuck song. And now its in my head.


January 6th, 2010 at 9:24 AM ^

Do you do a kosher dill pickle or a bread and butter pickle? I personally prefer a Claussen kosher dill, but is that the right pickle for beer? Also, another fantastic beer idea: After working outside in the hot sun in the summer, or after skiing all day in the frigid winter, a nice cold beer in the shower is the way to start your night off right.