OT: OSU football job/internship

Submitted by goblueram on

So my aunt (UM Grad) lives in Columbus, and somehow through work knows Mrs. Tressel.  She just asked me today if I could give her my resume, because she may be able to get me a job or internship (which I would like as a current UM B-School student).  I asked what kind of job she had in mind, which she followed up with "would you be opposed to working for the Ohio State football program in some business position?"  Needless to say, the resume was not sent.  


EDIT: many folks seem to think I should look into the opportunity, so I guess what does everyone think? 

Tha Stunna

August 23rd, 2010 at 5:15 AM ^

The OP brings up a good point.  I can't think of any legendary figure in Michigan football history that once was affiliated with Ohio State football.  There's no way that a revered football coach who rebuilt the Michigan football program could ever have been employed by Ohio State.


August 23rd, 2010 at 7:57 AM ^

Can you imagine how absurd it would be for Michigan to hire a coach with a masters degree from Ohio State? How about hiring one who not only played for the Buckeyes but captained them to a national championship? Just ludicrous notions.


August 23rd, 2010 at 7:03 AM ^

I've just read through all of the comments on this thread and your responses to them, (my "I agree" comment was before I'd read everything you'd written). On second thought, don't apply. Your aunt obviously knows someone - probably a dyed in the wool Buckeye, if I had to guess - who has no problem hiring a Wolverine into their hallowed halls. They don't have the problem here, you do.

If you can't be a "good citizen" and a represent the U-M in a respectful way, even in Columbus, I'd just as soon you looked elsewhere.


August 23rd, 2010 at 7:52 AM ^

Assuming you are serious about seeking career advice here, which I really doubt, it would be foolish to pass up an opportunity like that.  FYI, this country currently has a pretty bleak employment landscape at all levels.

Feat of Clay

August 23rd, 2010 at 9:11 AM ^

Let me just jump on the dogpile and say you would be foolish, IMO, to not change your mind.  Send the resume. 

If you get an interview, that in itself would be a worthwhile experience--and it would give you a rich pool of material to trot out here on MGoBlog, for mockery purposes at a bare minimum.   You would have seen more than most football fans (U-M or OSU) ever see.

And if you did end up with the job, awesome.  Maybe you don't root for OSU, but it's a paycheck.   And much more than that, it's a position in a huge, well-respected D1 athletic program.  Who knows how many doors that could open in the future.

I've got someone going into their 6th month of unemployment in my household, which makes me particularly prone to say you should follow this lead.  By my advice would be the same in a good economy.  Hell, my advice would be the same the morning after a loss to OSU. 

Clarence Beeks

August 23rd, 2010 at 10:04 AM ^

You'd be foolish not the send the resume if work like that is what you really want to do.  It shoulds like it would be great experience.  Just be prepared to have to hide the fact that you're a Michigan fan, or at least don't be publicly open about it on the job.  I have a friend who works for the Ottawa Senators (who isn't a Senators fan) and they regularly can people that outwardly show that they are a fan of another team.


August 23rd, 2010 at 10:18 AM ^

You should definitely do it. It'd be pissing away a great opportunity. Not everyone gets a chance to do something like that for a BCS powerhouse. Give me your aunt's email address if you don't want to do it. ;)


August 23rd, 2010 at 11:48 AM ^

as someone who works in the sports industry,  i can tell you that jobs like those do not come along that often or that easy, that if you are interested in pursuing a career in sports, my best advice would be to take that job... like two weeks ago.  high profile jobs in sports (working for a team like Ohio State) are some of the most sought after in the industry and they pretty much only come about based on who you know (in this case Mrs. Tressel), that it would be absolutely foolish to turn it down.  Most people who want to break into the sports industry would kill for a job like that.  furthermore, the sports world is so small that working at a place like OSU will not only look great for jobs down the line but it would just be worth it for the amount of key people you would meet.  so if you can swallow your pride for a few years, so many doors will be open for you when you are ready to move on.


August 23rd, 2010 at 12:43 PM ^

And, a couple of years later, OSU would be in deep shit.  I would never tell them I was a Michigan fan, and I would find out who was paying whom and how they were doing it.  I would also find out a lot about the "tutoring" program.  I would compile all of the info until I had both another sports job and enough info to bring them down.  Then, I would call the NCAA and ask them if they would like to talk about OSU for a couple of days. 

Whenever the NCAA investigates OSU, they run into a "scarlet wall."   The only way they will ever get caught is if an insider decides to talk.  What a great opportunity a job like that would be. 

Gulo Blue

August 23rd, 2010 at 2:07 PM ^

How would you feel working there?  Would you regret not taking this shot if another doesn't come along?  Would you be able to put forth your best effort and feel good about it? 

Answer those questions for yourself (or with your spouse if you've got one) and forget everyone else.  Do what you can to put yourself in places where you like what you do and avoid having regrets down the road.