
April 4th, 2019 at 3:20 PM ^

I would rather New Era take the logo off the hat than get the jersey changed honestly. Baseball hats were so good with just the MLB logo on the back and the team logo on the front. I haven't bought a hat since the New Era logo went up. 

The branding in sports really bothers me at this point. I am pretty upset that the Nike logo will be on the front of the classic baseball uniforms, but I guess if its between the swoosh and the UA logo, I'll take the swoosh. 

Naked Bootlegger

April 4th, 2019 at 2:21 PM ^

I don't follow baseball religiously any longer, but there's always something special about the home opener. 

And since I don't follow baseball religiously, I just looked at the Tigers hitting stats to date.  Ouch.  At least Miggy got his first RBI of the year today.  


April 4th, 2019 at 3:37 PM ^

Price is a good guy and as a member of my favorite Tigers team, he'll always have a place in my heart. However, as a color guy, he's lost several steps over the last few years. Dickerson's OK, but he's in the rough spot of always being compared to the legend, and I'm not talking about Rick Rizz.


April 4th, 2019 at 4:04 PM ^

I've never given a shit about collecting sports memorabilia, but I do have a small handful of items with some personal meaning.

This one is at the top: my ticket stub to the game on Sept. 17, 1968, when the Tigers clinched the pennant against the damn Yankees. My buddy and I were among the hundreds of delirious loons who scaled the right-field fence and danced around on the grass until they turned the sprinklers on. Good times.


April 4th, 2019 at 4:19 PM ^

that is a classic.  i note it is signed by john fetzer, then-president of the tigers.  i think i have some old wings/olympia tickets from around that time.  they must have used the same printer.  

and you paid $1 for that ticket.  my how times have changed. 

M go Bru

April 5th, 2019 at 12:51 PM ^

My first time in the bleachers was in 1961 when the Tigers finished second to the Yankees. My older brother and I (at age 9) took the Grand River bus from our NW Detroit home. Bleacher tickets were 75 cents. We beat the Yankees that day 10-4 behind the pitching of Frank Lary ("The Yankee killer").

There was a drunk guy in the bleachers who occasionally exclaimed " Lary you're a farmer" until he got so drunk that he fell down and was hauled away.