OT- NFL expects full stadiums for 2021 season, commissioner Roger Goodell says

Submitted by SecretAgentMayne on March 31st, 2021 at 9:54 AM


From the article: "Speaking to reporters after the first day of a two-day virtual meeting of owners, Goodell said: 'All of us in the NFL want to see every one of our fans back. Football is simply not the same without fans, and we expect to have full stadiums in the upcoming season.'"



March 31st, 2021 at 12:19 PM ^

Having lived in Asia for four years, I'd say norm is a STRONG statement.  It's certainly not uncommon and I would imagine mask wearing will probably evolve here to the same way it is in Asia(worn when someone has a cold or some other type of respiratory disease) and you'll see them more in heavily trafficked areas like airports, but to think that they will be worn as a norm by a majority is off base.

I've seen some people say they will wear them during allergy season, to which I roll my eyes, privately think that will last about a day and let the statement pass with no further comment.  

Monkey House

April 2nd, 2021 at 3:31 PM ^

Bloomberg article this week just said real world data is showing Pfizer and Moderna shots will keep you from getting,  and spreading covid. After May 1st when the President said every adult in the US will have had access to the vaccine i am DONE with the mask. If you have chosen not to get the vaccine that's your choice, I'm not wearing a mask just so you may not get sick. 


March 31st, 2021 at 3:19 PM ^

That seems eminently reasonable - it may certainly look odd to see someone without a mask in situations where it's not obviously needed (i.e., in your car or outside by yourself), but those people could very easily be planning to possibly be in situations that might warrant a mask and don't want to futz with putting it on.  Mocking those people in a country where a sizable fraction either refuse to even wear masks inside stores or wears them under their nose is a pretty lame hill to die on.


March 31st, 2021 at 12:08 PM ^

I think over time civil disobedience in those places where mask mandates exist way past their logical expiry dates will make that moot.

For example, we went to Key West over spring break. There are signs everywhere saying you have to wear a mask inside or outside. Even those construction signs coming into Key West proper.

Compliance outdoors was maybe 5-10%, I'm assuming those are people being careful. Fine by me. Indoor compliance was close to 100%. This is all fine.

I think most people respect that businesses have to comply with the law or get fined or shut down in some jurisdictions and comply even if they think it's stupid. But unless there are cops handing out fines on every street corner, you aren't going to get compliance where it doesn't make sense elsewhere.


April 1st, 2021 at 6:50 AM ^

I agree with your points, but it’s also worth noting that DeSantis has signed an order that nullifies fines regarding masks. So basically Florida has no statewide mask mandate - apart from federal buildings - and local governments can mandate, but not enforce one. Businesses can still choose to refuse service. In central Florida compliance is still pretty good, but waning somewhat.


March 31st, 2021 at 10:10 AM ^

Makes sense. Everyone should have had an opportunity to get the vaccine by then. If you haven’t gotten it, that was your choice, and so be it. 

Roy G. Biv

March 31st, 2021 at 10:53 AM ^

I infer from your comment that you'd be against strictly voluntary vaccination (and if that's not correct, my apologies).  Not trolling or arguing with you, but simply asking, what then is the end point?  Is it compulsory vaccination with governmental oversight and enforcement?  Is it zero cases?  


March 31st, 2021 at 12:02 PM ^

So based on my observations, which are pretty widely accepted, you inferred that I was for forcing people to be vaccinated?  Quite a leap

Those observations were:

- Someone not vaccinated poses a danger to others

- Someone infected could create and further mutations

Neither are particularly controversial for any disease and/or vaccine


March 31st, 2021 at 10:59 AM ^

Yep.  If we're not in this position come September, either (1) something has gone terribly wrong with a super-mutation or the vaccine process, or (2) we've completely lost our nerve as a society, we're too fearful to let this end and take some steps forward.

Unfortunately, I do think #2 is considerably more likely than #1.

blue in dc

March 31st, 2021 at 11:11 AM ^

I think there is going to be a small minority of people are going to be in camp #2, but I think it will be very small. To the extent that there is friction/debate on these issues, I think it will be on requirements for people who choose not to vaccinate, not requirements on the bulk of the population.         

To the extent that there is a variant that is worrisome in the US, it is one that is more dangerous for those under 16.

Perkis-Size Me

March 31st, 2021 at 11:18 AM ^

It’s probably going to vary from state to state if you made me guess. If you’re a team in the South, my guess is the states won’t have any issues saying full capacity. 

If you’re in the West Coast or the Northeast, I won’t be surprised if there’s still some capacity restrictions. At least to start off with. Not trying to make this political at all, but it’s safe to say different states have different opinions within their leadership about how this should/will be approached. 

Goodell can say he expects full stadiums all he wants. But at the end of the day it’s one of the few decisions known to man that are not his to make. I personally hope it’s full capacity across the country. By that point everyone who wants a vaccine should be able to get one or have already gotten vaccinated. But I’m just saying I won’t be surprised if we still see capacity restrictions in at least some cities. 


March 31st, 2021 at 12:21 PM ^

Why would they see restrictions? They have made a choice and they are entitled to that choice. For all you know the choice may have been because they have already had the Covid. Which effectively makes them immunized at a better rate than the vaccine.

I would get the vaccine too, because I believe in better safe than sorry, but I do understand the hesitation.


March 31st, 2021 at 1:51 PM ^

You are right. But this is a Coronavirus. That would be like requiring the Flu vaccine for admittance. Complications resulting in death for under 18 for Covid, other cold viruses and Flu are so low it's not worth discussing. There are currently 332 deaths (with) Covid on the CDC's website since the beginning of this under 18 with 2,737,886 (reported) cases.  That's a 0.00012 rate. Of reported cases.

I'm fine with schools requiring MMR, Polio, etc. In fact, they did when I was a child. I thought it was universal, and am still surprised there is debate about this.

blue in dc

March 31st, 2021 at 2:47 PM ^

You will note that in response to someone who said that some states might continue with capacity restrictions in September, I replied “People who choose not to get vaccines may see some restrictions, but for those with them, I doubt there will be any restrictions.”

I didn’t express any opinion about whether or not this was a good idea, I just said that restrictions on those who had not been vaccinated seemed more likely than restrictions on those who had.   Many cruise lines have already announced plans to do this.   Some countries are also requiring it for entry.  Personally for international travel, I think it is a good and reasonable idea.    Do I think it makes sense at large stadiums or other places where people gather?   As long as people have access to vaccines I don’t personally think it is necessary.   I do however think if someone is considering some form of restrictions, putting those restrctions on people who haven’t been vaccinated makes more sense than putting them on everyone.


March 31st, 2021 at 3:30 PM ^

You are right, my fault for not reading what you typed, but what I thought you typed.

I admit one of the reasons my wife and I got the vaccine is I assume various activities will require you to have had it, no matter what my opinion is on whether our government should require "papers". That and it's just smart to get it in general. I think it's downright unfair I have to die anyway, no reason to speed it along.

In fact, I have a cruise in December, and on the short list of places I'd like everyone to be vaccinated, that's one of them. Giant petri dishes was a term used for those boats long before the Covid.


March 31st, 2021 at 1:12 PM ^

It will be possible with your COVID vaccine card, showing you have full vaccination. Once I get my 2nd shot I will have my COVID card laminated, because it will be needed in the future for any form of public transportation, events, even movie theaters.


March 31st, 2021 at 1:19 PM ^

I just hope the state of Michigan allows the big house to be full. I would say you need your proof of vaccine card to enter the stadium but if everyone who attends the game is fully vaccinated, there should be no problem having the stadium at full capacity. Though, the elected officials  may still limit capacity below 50 percent for Michigan games?