OT - My son's 11th BDay Party

Submitted by JD_UofM_90 on

So, for my son's 11th birthday this last weekend, I took him and a bunch of his friends to Craig's Cruisers in Grand Rapids.  Let's just say Daddy Harbaugh'ed them when we played laser tag.  I would have made coach proud.  Any ~10 year old boy/girl that walked by, I lit them up with enthusiasm, unknown to mankind.                                         


March 30th, 2015 at 12:19 PM ^

A few years down the road, when those kids you "Harbaughed" are older and you are slowing down, they will remember and get even.  Payback can be a bitch.

Hope your son had a nice bday.


March 30th, 2015 at 1:02 PM ^

i will forever have a memory of one of our older son's 11th birthday.  two of the bulls got out of the pasture and he grabbed one of my old hockey sticks and went running after them.   one bull in particular started to brace forward, but my son would not be deterred.  he kept charging the bull, gave him some 'what for' with the hockey stick, and darned if that bull didn't turn tail and run back to the opening in the pasture gate.   when the other bull saw that he didn't want any part of that son either, and he was more easily coaxed back to the pasture.  

hillbilly braveheart, but man that could've been a mess.  glad you had a stellar time with your boy.  way to go dad.


March 30th, 2015 at 2:12 PM ^

i can't embed, but give me your email and I'll send it to you.   

you'd have to know our oldest son, but the humor of it is he can be seen walking toward the barn after the #2 had vanquished the first bull back to the pasture.   sleepy looking oldest missed it all after #2 had raced to the rescue. 


March 30th, 2015 at 4:49 PM ^

I like it.  Kids these days are very soft.  They dont know what defeat is since everyone gets a participation medal.  You did a service to your country.