OT: Help me survive a bear attack

Submitted by WildcatBlue on
So thirty minutes ago I'm tending to my tomato plants when, from the treeline perhaps 15 yards away, out comes a black bear. I just wrote and then deleted the words "medium sized black bear," reasoning that: 1.) Not being a zookeeper or park ranger, I have no idea in what percentile, sizewise, this particular bear belongs, and 2.) Does it really matter? It's not as though there is a bear size threshold below which you say to yourself: "You know what? I was going to escape, but instead I think I'll go over and kick some ursine ass." In any case, it was a black bear, and it was too close for comfort, so I backed away. It stood up on its hind legs, looked at me inquisitively, and retreated into the woods. Did I respond wisely? What would you do in this situation? What would Barwis do? Of course some might say that there are plentiful resources on the web on this subject, and I would be better served by a Google search. But like a politician I see no reason to seek expertise from strangers when unqualified but like-minded advisers are so close at hand.


July 29th, 2009 at 3:06 PM ^

They are infinitely sore losers. "You moved your feet after the catch, GROWLLLL!" It's called MOMENTUM, bears, look it up. "No substitutions during play, GROWLLL!" You fucking just mauled two of my forwards to death; I think we're due an "injury timeout". Honestly, bears can be total dicks. Don't even get me started on Italian bears and bocce. They will rag on you until the end of time for not calling your shots. "You didn't a calla dee Raffa, thatta was a pitch, anda you didn't a calla dee Raffa; our a pointa, GROWLLL!"

Six Zero

July 29th, 2009 at 12:30 PM ^

would look that bear in the eye and tell it to get in line so he can whip its sorry ass into shape and make it into something that disgusts him less. And that bear would cry.


July 29th, 2009 at 12:23 PM ^

As a polar bear, I can tell you that we bears get a bad rap. We are a friendly bunch, very cuddly, and we usually are just interested in getting into your honey pots or sharing Coca-Colas with penguins. When the brown bear stood on its hind legs, he was simply asking for a hug. When none was given, he turned, rejected, to go pout in the woods where the other bears probably pick on him for being small for his age. You absolutely did the wrong thing, but no one is judging you. You're new to the ways of bears, and I know you'll do better next time. The bear you saw might have been Katow-jo, my cousin. Say hi for me

Six Zero

July 29th, 2009 at 12:53 PM ^

a large and/or perhaps fragrant garden? OR does your garbage, well, smell? You might want to figure out if this is a totally random event, or is the bear there because you inadvertently invited him... I know my dad puts empty silver pie tins in his garden, with the intent that the reflection of the sun startles the bears and keeps them away. OR you could spend about $300 on one a' these bad boys: http://www.fntpost.com/Products/Bear+Traps/Duke+16+Bear+Trap


July 29th, 2009 at 1:03 PM ^

as scary as the bear. As to the garden, yeah, it's a pretty big one, but nothing compared a few others in the area. I do know that a family down the road had their bird feeders eaten by a bear a few months ago, and I've seen them from a distance a few times in the past. In all likelihood the bear has better places to loiter than my place, so I'm not too worried.


July 29th, 2009 at 12:42 PM ^

Seriously, I wouldn't worry. Black bears aren't dangerous like brown bears. They mostly eat fruits and root plants, and while they could kill you, they DEFINITELY don't want to. Just make it obvious you're not scared of it, and it'll either ignore you or run away from you.


July 29th, 2009 at 12:53 PM ^

Just for kicks, I sought Google advice on the wisdom of running from a bear. Turns out they're capable of about 30 MPH over short distances. Which means, per Wolfram Alpha: Input interpretation: (40 yards)/(30 mph (miles per hour)) Result: 7.576x10^-4 hours Unit conversions: 2.727 seconds that a bear's 40 time is almost in Denard territory.


July 29th, 2009 at 1:38 PM ^

That's no even close to Denard speed. Let me show you with math. v=d/t t=d/v d=40 yd v=c-1 m/s=299792458 m/s-1m/s=327857018.2 yd/s t=d/v=(40 yd)/(327857018.2 yd/s)=122 ns 2.727 s=2727000000 ns (2727000000 ns)/(122 ns)=22352459 So, bears are only 1/22352459 as fast as Denard Robinson in the 40. Note: Assumed that Denard Robinson runs at the speed of light minus 1 m/s. Obviously it would be ridiculous to think that anyone can run at the speed of light itself. But, since it's generally agreed by the MGoBlog community (and thus must be true scientific fact) that dilithium is as fast as c-1 and since Denard is made of dilithium, v=c-1.


July 29th, 2009 at 1:24 PM ^

Well, I just can't wait any longer for football season. Then we stop talking about bear attacks and start talk about something much more manly and interesting- boys ages 18 through 22 grappling each other in front of an audience. Nothing more manly than that. ... ... Elton John.