OT - Happy Halloween! Tim H Jr isn't quite sure ghosts aren't real...

Submitted by canzior on October 31st, 2019 at 1:33 PM

Tim Hardaway Jr shares a creepy story of his trip to the Skirvin Hotel in OKC with some teammates on the Knicks at the time.  Pretty fitting for Halloween.  




October 31st, 2019 at 2:25 PM ^

False!  The correct list is as follows:

Ghosts = not real

Aliens = real, in fact I'd be surprised if they weren't real, but they have never been to earth

Ghouls = not real

Loch Ness = real

Loch Ness Monster = not real

Sasquatch = not real

Chupacabra = real

Banshees = real

Rosie O'Donnell = likely real, but I choose to not believe in it


October 31st, 2019 at 2:14 PM ^

I mean it's an entertaining story and all, but aren't ghosts supposed to haunt you?

Would have been more haunting if the screams actually said, "Tiiiiiiimmmmm, we know that you smoked pot with Mitch McGarrrrryyyyyyyyy at that block party on Linden Streeeeeet your junior yeeeeeeeaaaaaarrrrrrr."


October 31st, 2019 at 3:04 PM ^

Stayed there a couple times. They have a couple floors that you can't access on the elevators if I remember correctly. What is exactly on those floors? Don't know!