OT - Friday Recruiting: End of Week 1 - MGoBlog Against Prostate, Colo-Rectal, and Testicular Cancer

Submitted by boliver46 on

Hi All!

One week down and things are going really well!  We've raised $339 so far - and thank you to all who've contributed!  We still need team members and donations for this important charity with the goal of increasing awareness and elimination of Prostate, Colo-Rectal, and Testicular Cancer. 

Please join us in the fight by growing your moustache for the month of November, or simply donate to our MGoBlog team by going here: Movember Link

One-Week 'Stache - could be worse I suppose:

Current team members or those supporting the cause are encouraged to post progress pictures of their amazing moustaches!

Thank you all!

Previous Recruiting Posts:

Link  Link Link Link

Movember (the month formerly known as November) is a moustache growing charity event held during November each year that raises funds and awareness for men's health. Donations are collected and distributed among various areas of support including: Awareness and Education, Living With and Beyond Cancer, Staying Mentally Healthy Living With and Beyond Mental Illness, and Cancer Research.

<Donate to Me> is a way to contribute directly to the Movember cause, but is allocated to a specific team member vs. donated to the team as a whole. There is no difference in how the money is distributed or handled as it all goes directly to the Movember charity.

Funded Programs:



November 8th, 2013 at 9:29 AM ^

Just so you know, I did help to get the word out here at my company - the group is now about 40 strong, including a couple directors and a VP. There was also a writeup (which I cannot share because it is on an internal site) about the effort as well. Not sure what the fundraising goal was set at, but we're typcically good at exceeding them around here.