OT: #EATING FLINT clean up (Sat) and Pahokee update (a happy post)

Submitted by MrSmith on

Everyone I know the loss was hard but the guys really played their best and this was a total shocker.   With that being said we are only going to get stronger and losses like this only bring the team closer. 

1.  Flint -  this Saturday (10/24) we will have a clean up day at our new site - weather permiting. We have five lots by the elementary school.  On Cottage Grove on the east side.  I hope some of you can make it and if anyone knows a lot about gardening and winterizing can you inbox me.  New email is [email protected]

If you have a mower or tools that will help out a lot.  We are working on getting our tools for up here and applying for grants.


2. Pahokee - You may recognize a good friend in the front row of the first picture (kneeling).  We had 50 youth ouy and the mayor, the football team with the national honors society.  We planted 20 guave trees, and some coconut trees and the back of the banana trees.  Cleaned up and made our city beautiful.





October 18th, 2015 at 3:51 PM ^

Keep getting the message out there. While I was walking around yesterday in my suit I had your scarf on and was able to talk to quite a few people about #eating. I gave one lady your card. I should have had you give me a stack of them! Lol.

Louie C

October 18th, 2015 at 5:09 PM ^

Thanks for the pick me up, and wow! Tay's locks have gotten long and thick (giggity!). Mine are coming along pretty good now, and I love em. Still have yours?


October 18th, 2015 at 5:17 PM ^

Mr Smith, how do you respond to a game like this as a player? How do we let Blake know he was a major reason we were in the game and are glad he's a Wolverine?

Once again, thank you for all you do in helping others.

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October 18th, 2015 at 6:23 PM ^

Really its tough taking a loss like that on a big stage with so much pressure and knowing that you still have your team and the fans behind you, you have to put games like this in the past. Looking at the big picture knowing we still have the whole season to play out with the Big Ten championship and we still have Ohio State on the list. For Blake I hope he feels better and knows things like this is all a part of the game. I would say we could a make a thread and I could forward it but I know right now he won't want to read no blogs, no nothing.


October 18th, 2015 at 6:57 PM ^

Appreciating the positive vibes and great work, Vincent. Easily the best thread of the day! Will try to make it up that way on Saturday, schedule permitting.