might and main

January 17th, 2011 at 6:14 PM ^

That's one helluva story. Good on that kid, and the Jackson State people. But dammit all, now I even have to reevaluate Pat Forde for writing such a good piece. This does not comput with my Forde sucks world view.


January 17th, 2011 at 7:53 PM ^

I know I'm going to get blasted for this but I don't care. I go to the High School where Jono graduated from. He was a well-liked kid and was popular while he was here. Many here at Grandville still knew him when he died and it hurt so many very deeply when they received the news. I don't think it's justice that one of the kids that had a big part in his death only receives 6 months in the local prison. There is no way he deserved to get out of there and start living a normal life after a half of a year. Also, many think that the fact that he threw one punch in self defense is kind of low balling his role in the ordeal. I'm not saying that he was the only one involved and all of the blame should fall on his shoulders, but really, 6 months in the county jail is pathetic and shows how crappy the justice system is.


January 17th, 2011 at 9:20 PM ^

The story was told pretty one-sided, and I do think that Forde's portrayal of the incident is at the very least inaccurate. He did do wrong, and he did deserve to be punished, and he was. The severity of it isn't for me or you, or anyone else on here to decide though. The biggest thing that stands out to me is that the victim's mother has forgiven Therriault (the Press has run many stories showing her support of him, including her going to some of his games and cheering him on), so I think that I'll let her decide whether I should or should not think he deserves this attention. He seemed truly sorry for what happened.