OT-Best Summer Beers

Submitted by weasel3216 on

I was wondering what some of your favorite summer time microbrew beers are.  The obvious choice is Bell's Oberon.  I typically shy away from fruity, light, summertime style beers as i really enjoy Barley Wine style and Old Ales, but i really enjoy Oberon and Summer Shandy.  So what do you guys drink during the summer? 


June 20th, 2010 at 1:39 PM ^

Pyramid's Curveball. Just a real easy, seasonal beer to drink. It powered me through the ND game last year and will forever be my beer during games versus the Irish.

Ben Mathis-Lilley

June 20th, 2010 at 8:39 PM ^

But currently drizzing a Jever pilsner, a good example of the pilsner style. Pilsner isn't necessarily my favorite style, but I prefer it as a summer drink to a lot of the vaguely-defined "summer"-branded beers that just end up kind of light and vaguely fruity but mostly formless. 

Would prefer a Bell's Hopslam over almost anything in any season.