
November 4th, 2023 at 12:22 AM ^

Dude. You’re hours late. And he’s already given a statement thru his lawyer. 

edit: I guess you did have to click on the tweet link in the “Stalions resigns” thread to see this. So I can understand wanting to post this. +1   


November 4th, 2023 at 2:37 AM ^

Given the deliberate effort to damage michigan’s reputation, imagine if the school can/would sue Ohio State or Day or Day’s brothers (depending on how far back the trail can be documented) for defamation and illegal disclosure of private information. Unlikely but that blowback would be hilarious.

That and previous discussions of Days in jail. 

Perkis-Size Me

November 4th, 2023 at 7:14 AM ^

For any legal experts or MGoLawyers out there, is this a positive development, negative, or doesn’t really matter?

I’m sure in the court of public opinion it’s interpreted as “he’s hiding more information, he’s guilty as fuck, burn Michigan to the ground,” but I’m wondering if this is just advice from his lawyer to not cooperate for the duration. 

I’m sure he’s not saying a word to any media outlets who contact him and directing them to his lawyer, but how is this “not cooperating” schtick to be interpreted in Michigan circles?


November 4th, 2023 at 7:20 AM ^

Who cares how it's interpreted by the 'Michigan Crowd'.  Seems to me that the crowd has tried to distance themselves from Connor, and he got his own legal representation.  The NCAA is a paper tiger, any lawyer worth his salt would advise a client facing an adversarial relationship with them to dummy up.  Good for you, Conner.


November 4th, 2023 at 9:32 AM ^

I just checked You Tube, which has been rife with pieces on this matter for several weeks, and it is stunningly silent this morning-in this regard. I paged down a very long way and the only piece on this thing was "Locked on B1G" was from NINE days ago. Imagine that.