MS Shamepaint is up: A&M meets 'Bama

Submitted by yossarians tree on

Thujone faced with a huge dilemma when Longhorn's favorite whipping boy, Aggy, goes into Tuscaloosa and slays Goliath in his own house. This one has a kind of epic quality to it.

Warning: The usual thing about sophomoric drawings of certains portions of the male anatomy.



November 12th, 2012 at 5:04 PM ^

I actually was thinking about the Thujone drawings at the beginning of the season about how the Aggies were going to be abused in the SEC. There is definitely some humble pie being eaten by those who assumed Texas A & M was going to be destroyed this year.

Definitely a slam against the Aggies, but the last frame made me laugh.


November 12th, 2012 at 4:38 PM ^

Disappointed by the Blockhams, you say? Love that Prevail and Ride comic, you say? Well, good news, friend, I have just the thing for you! "Blockhams with Dicks" is a real thing, apparently, that you can own for the low, low price of some careful Binging!

For all your college football cartoons with dicks needs, just Bing it!


November 12th, 2012 at 5:58 PM ^

You shouldnt do drugs. If you do them, you are bad ... because drugs are bad. Mmkay? It's a bad thing to do drugs, so don't be bad by doing drugs. Mmkay. That'd be a bad thing.


November 12th, 2012 at 6:04 PM ^

I realize that Fielding Yost had some major problems with racism for some of his life;  however, the vast majority of biographical accounts indicate that by his laters years, he had broken away from his confederate roots and transformed into a man very much in support of racial intergration and tolerance.  I'm not excusing his early behavior, but it's not like people overcome deeply-entrenched prejudice overnight.


November 12th, 2012 at 6:27 PM ^

He was the AD when Gerald Ford, the rest of the team, and seemingly the entire university supported Willis Ward. He gave us Michigan Stadium, Yost Arena, the Rose Bowl, and countless other contributions to Michigan. Don't apologize for having him in your avatar. You don't support hate by supporting Yost


November 12th, 2012 at 6:38 PM ^

In Fielding Yost's era, there was no such thing as a "White Supremacist."  Most whites just "ass-u-me'd" that they were superior to "colored people."

Was this wrong?  Of course it was.  I personally marched in demonstrations in the 60's and 70's because I belived, as I still do, in equality.  But I'm not going to blame Yost for having a belief that was the popular one in his era just because we know it is wrong now.  


November 12th, 2012 at 7:19 PM ^

I don't think that was his point.  I believe he's saying that in a very significant way, we are products of our environment and that the stimuli that we receive as we develop into adults are very powerful.  Fielding Yost was the son of a confederate worshipper and deeply racist man.  He was born into a culture of segregation, and like many of his time, was taught to view other races as inferior.  This was wrong.  But I don't believe you can hold people responsible for refusing to quickly cast aside everything they've been indoctrinated with in their youth.  The fact that he eventually broke away from this is important and should not be dismissed.  Ask Dehart Hubbard or the Dunbar Center if Yost was racist.  Hell, you could even ask Willis Ward a few years after the Georgia Tech incident. 


November 12th, 2012 at 7:35 PM ^

There was a time, not long ago, that doctors prescribed heroin to patients, encouraged smoking during pregnancy, and performed some pretty barbaric procedures to cure the mentally ill.

None of these is acceptable today, but were fine considered fine back then.