More on the Mail Truck driver (great Harbaugh fluff)

Submitted by 4godkingandwol… on

Thought the board would appreciate the level of detail in this article. This particular excerpt was great.…


A photo was taken of them toasting with bottles of Fairlife milk – Harbaugh has done commercials for the company. He wanted to make a pitch to “call Dan McGivern for comprehensive life insurance planning.”

“I told him, ‘Can’t say planning. There would be an issue with compliance,’” McGivern said. “He said, ‘Don’t you just hate compliance?’ I said, ‘Yeah.’ He said, ‘They ruin my life.’”

Harbaugh adjusted the text of his tweet and added McGivern’s work phone number. Calls transfer to his cell phone.

Within 30 seconds, McGivern’s phone rang.

“It was a guy named Brian. He wanted to make sure it was a live tweet and wanted to talk to Harbaugh,” McGivern said. “I gave the phone to Jim, and Jim talked to him for a while. Jim handed it back to me and said, ‘I think he wants life insurance.’ He said, ‘I don’t want life insurance, I want to talk to coach.’



January 26th, 2017 at 6:58 PM ^

I've been so sick of hearing about #alternative facts the last few days, but seriously?

It was a '67 mustang not a mail truck. I feel so lied to.

Also it's pretty funny that Harbaugh dented his car, but not suprising.