
August 4th, 2009 at 10:10 AM ^

I wasnt really concentrating on the whole Michigan Economy Bashing but the fact our HOF is in a Hallway in the back of COBO. Doesnt really seem like an appropriate place to honor some of the great men and woman who have represented our great state.


August 4th, 2009 at 11:33 AM ^

Move that shit up to the IMA(I know it's called something different) in Flint! It can keep Mateen Cleeves, Jim Abbot's, and the rest of the Flint Hall of Fame plaque's company!


August 4th, 2009 at 12:06 PM ^

Deadspin barely counts as a relevant blog anymore. It was once a great site full of innovation and some of the best minds around. Now it is a dumping ground of unimaginative internet "celebrities" who shoot for the lowest common denominator instead of putting out high-quality posts. Hey, just like Michigan. LOL! In all fairness, most of the nation is hurting right now. To say that the Michigan HoF is emblematic of the state of Michigan is to ignore the thousands of other municipal and non-profit organizations across America that are struggling because the states in which they occupy are cutting budgets and citizens have less disposable income.