META: Today's site update

Submitted by Seth on July 2nd, 2021 at 8:44 PM

Click your name, see if you can spot the change.

We added some user functionality. You should be able to check your points now, and also tab between your Activity (a list of threads you're participating in) and View (your latest comments). Moderators can now also access the moderating tools from a user's main page. Plan is to build out this Activity page so you can see how many posts are unread in your active threads, and see if you've got any replies to your comments.


July 3rd, 2021 at 8:20 AM ^

That's just MGoSilver status. It doesn't even get you a dedicated customer service agent. To really enjoy MGoFrequent Pointer status, you need to reach MGoPlatinum or more. Then there's MGoLifetime Platinum, which is a lot like MGoSilver, but with more letters in the name and credit card offers.

NYC Fan3

July 2nd, 2021 at 8:54 PM ^

So, I can see how my peers are voting my comments now.  

More importantly though, I was upvoted but a quiverfull today.  He’s still here….


July 2nd, 2021 at 8:57 PM ^

Mods got a bunch of new tools. These are things the users never see so I made them low-priority but it's so nice to have them.


July 3rd, 2021 at 7:52 AM ^

I'm having trouble with this page.  What is it telling me?  I mean, sure, I can see who up/down voted, but what post?  What's the point total?  Are they all for the same post?  Do they show points based on the post you were looking at before clicking 'Points'?

I have so many questions, and this is only my first cup 'o coffee this morning!

Chris S

July 3rd, 2021 at 2:19 PM ^

Hey Seth, not sure how to word this as a question, so hopefully you'll get the gist. When I click on a post that I commented on it will go directly to my comment if there's only one page, but if it's on the second or third page of comments it will just go to the first page and I'll have to go searching through the next few pages of comments. Is there any way to make it go directly to that comment regardless of which page it's on?


As usual, thank you for everything you've been doing on here!


July 3rd, 2021 at 4:04 PM ^

Yeah that's on our list of to-do's. We're building out things that need to be built on top of each other, and only some of that is user-facing. But basically:

  • We rebuilt the site so that it can work as an app (standard for modern websites).
  • We added a few drupal modules and tested them to make sure they work with our custom mods.
  • We're now activating those modules.
  • Once these work we can implement a module that allows for individualized views by session.
  • Once that works we can add things like the ability to see new replies and new posts in your active threads, and to set how many comments you want to see (that module is messy though so we may have to cancel it).
  • Once that's implemented we'll go through all the site's functions and tie them to those modules.

No reason to fix things we're about to break.