MDen already at capacity.

Submitted by CGordini on
People started lining up at 4AM. I'm number 200 something. Balls.

KC Wolve

February 19th, 2016 at 10:07 AM ^

I have an auto'd JH Michigan jersey that the wife got me for Christmas. It is "authenticated" but still could obviously be fake. It is awesome, but I sometimes wish I had gotten it in person. Just something about paying for an "empty" autograph someone else got. Reading that people were in line at 4am makes me like my online purchase more.

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February 19th, 2016 at 10:56 AM ^

My cool story bro....


Went to the Indy Satellite camp last summer and just walked on the field and started chatting it up with the man.  He seemed thrilled (though that was the first stop on the tour I believe).


Got him to sign my SI.


Couldn't imagine waking up at 4am and waiting in line though...regardless of weather.


February 19th, 2016 at 2:16 PM ^

know several people who have successfully dropped off items (mainly for charity events) with the secretary/front desk at Schembechler Hall and they got signed later at the signees convenience. Most players and coaches are very nice and generous with their time.