MBB: OMG Shirtless and with Under-sized Goggles

Submitted by MGoBender on

I'll try to embed, but likely fail.


MBB is on a boat.  Teske wearing normal human size goggles when he is not a normal human size. Brazdeikis showing the articles about him being jacked for a freshmen are not fluff. Jordan Poole wearing snowboarding goggles.  

This team is going to be so fun to watch.


Greetings from the Mediterranean Sea#VamosAzul 〽️? in ?? pic.twitter.com/0vnxtbDYAB

— Michigan Men's Basketball (@umichbball) August 24, 2018


August 24th, 2018 at 12:04 PM ^

I like that half of them are looking at the camera and the other half are looking at something just to the left of the camera.  Makes the whole thing intriguing.