Harbaugh Chicken Littles vs Polly Annas betting thread

Submitted by LBSS on

Hey everyone,

The Chicken Littles vs. Polly Annas betting thread that reshp1 (I think?) was doing earlier in the fall dropped off after it became apparent that this season would be an abyss of sadness, but they were cool while they lasted. Nice way to get folks to give to good causes. I thought it'd be fun to resurrect them now that we have a thing which we pretty much all agree has a clearly binary positive/negative outcome, much as a football game does: Harbaugh 2 Michigan 4 Lyfe, Or Not. Praise Harbaugh.

I am in the camp of people who don't think he is coming. sad

That said, if he does come, I will give a $25 cash donation to the charity of choice* of the first person to reply to this thread.** If he does not come, that same first responder has to make a $25 donation to the Washington Animal Rescue League (warl.org).

Any subsequent posters can offer similar person-to-person wagers, with the first responder to that comment completing the wager.

Meanwhile, I will be hoping that someone takes this bet and that I then lose it.

*No political or politically-tinged charities. Let's keep this place politics-free.

**I am also willing to eat a lemon in lieu of making a donation, and post a video of said eating.



December 16th, 2014 at 3:58 PM ^

If Harbaugh is announced as head coach of the University of Michigan for the 2015+ season, kindly make a $25 donation to Outside the Bowl*.


*Outside the Bowl is a Christian organization, if that renders it null according to your outline, please donate instead to any charity that provides food and resources to children in need.


Should Harbaugh coach elsewhere, I will donate $25 to the charity of your choice...


December 16th, 2014 at 4:10 PM ^

How about donations to the University's general fund?  I'll gladly put up $100 contribution that Harbaugh is not coming here if someone will take the other side and donate $100 if he does.  Any takers?


December 16th, 2014 at 4:38 PM ^

I'll bite.

I'm finishing my dissertation, I haven't seen the sun for days, and I need something to be optimistic about. So, I say he's coming, and I'll wager a $50 donation to 826 Michigan (provides writing/tutoring assistance for underserved K-12 students) if he doesn't.


December 17th, 2014 at 5:04 AM ^

If Harbaugh does become Hoke's successor, I'll donate $50 to 826 Michigan. Sounds like a great organization, since I'm a huge advocate for teaching writing and believe it's something that is given very short shrift in most school districts.

BTW, my daughter is in the throes of finishing her dissertation, and gets cranky when asked about it.


December 16th, 2014 at 5:48 PM ^

The 49rs' GM will probably be trying to work up a trade with Jim's input! But if Jim is not interested in the teams that may possibly trade with SF, then I could see Jim just resigning and heading either to Michigan or an NFL team he would like to coach.