
September 10th, 2022 at 9:34 AM ^

As cool and fun as that would be, Kendrick probably won't play much as a true freshman - especially if he sticks at QB.  In any case, Ronnie will be earning a sweet NFL paycheck.


September 10th, 2022 at 9:42 AM ^

Bell’s recruiting ranking confuses me. He’s a 2-star but is absolutely balling out in a league that isn’t bad by any means. He probably doesn’t project as a QB at the next level but the athletic talent is there for sure to the point where him being a 2-star is crazy to me


September 10th, 2022 at 1:01 PM ^

Of course Harbaugh is not selling him as the featured QB recruit for 2023, but I am certain that Bell will get a shot at QB first. Yes, high school stats doesn't always translate to college, even recruits with great mechanics, say Shane Morris and Dylan McCaffery. On other hand, plenty of NFL starting QBs had very humble recruiting profiles out of high school (Josh Allen, Lamar Jackson, Carson Wentz, ...). 


September 10th, 2022 at 11:17 AM ^

This is why many people have criticisms of the ranking system and the over-reliance from fans on those rankings. 

Yes, there is some notable correlation to team recruiting recruiting rankings and success on the field. But when it comes to individual rankings, they miss on a lot of players. Over-ranking some, under-ranking others, and completely ignoring some as well. A lot of that is just how the process works. 

If you aren’t sending your film through the right channels or attending the right camps, you’ll go unnoticed by the recruiting services and won’t get a proper evaluation or an evaluation at all. Programs like Michigan that do their own scouting may still find you, but until the recruiting sites find you it won’t reflect in your ranking. 

Now that he has a Michigan offer, those recruiting sites will probably take a bit of notice and he’ll receive a generic recruiting rankings bump in their next update. If more offers flow in, they may even take the time to give him an actual evaluation and attempt to properly rank him. Or he’ll commit to Michigan soon and they won’t bother. 

But too many people take the recruiting rankings as gospel. This kid is ranked here, so that’s how good he is. And that’s just not how it works. Just as important to where a kid is ranked, is WHY he’s ranked there. That requires following recruiting a bit deeper and evaluating film on your own, but thats too much for the majority of fans. These fans are where you find the star gazers. 

At the end of the day, Hart said it best. I’m not looking for recruiting stars, I’m looking for good football players. Michigan has excelled in recent years in finding those sleeper recruits and finding absolute gems. As an example, Kwity Paye was ranked in the 900’s when he committed, rose to the high 400’s by the end of the cycle and turned into a 1st round pick. 

If Bell played the system the way many do, he could be a 4* QB. Who knows? But we as fans need to just acknowledge that the rankings are an imperfect system and trying to make sense of what the rankings of individual players tell us is an pointless exercise. 


September 10th, 2022 at 11:29 AM ^

Roundtable last commercial break...

Craig: Hey Sam... is Michigan gonna take Kendrick Bell you think?


Churlish Brian is the best Brian: They offered him.

Craig: They offered him. Yes, that's intriguing to me...

(Craig and Seth kibitz about Ronnie Bell and Kendrick Bell)

Sam: I'm sorry for not engaging... I'm actually just responding to some messages here... (trails off)

(more kibitzing)

Craig continues to talk about Kendrick Bell.  Never gets his question answered by Sam. Seth starts talking about Dono...no, Berkeley and Braylon Edwards.


Poor Craig. Never gets his question answered. Respect your elders guys.  :)  Love the Roundtable.