
February 26th, 2016 at 11:37 AM ^

Why does everyone keep talking about exploiting loopholes?  He hasn't used any loophole in any rule - he's simply interpreting the rules for what they are and acting within them.  But because Delany hasn't piped up at the conference level, the SEC and ACC have won that battle.  They spoke about loopholes because of their own conference rules against such things (sat camps), and now the national conversation is that Harbaugh is using loopholes.  NO HE IS NOT!!!

I've never expected much out of Pointy Haired Boss, the man is a spineless douche.  But he continues to let other conferences shape the discussion, even if Harbaugh is more than holding his own...

Pointy Haired Boss, aka Jim Delany:

Image result for pointy haired boss

Pepto Bismol

February 26th, 2016 at 3:32 PM ^

Was just headed to make the same comment.  Sure, it's a good article.  It generally gets the story right, but again, at the end the author can't help but talk about "loopholes".  Local media does the same thing - even Michigan fans defending Michigan.  They talk about loopholes. 

These are not "loopholes" in the rules, these are the actual rules - or lack thereof.

If I decide to wear my pants backward and inside out, I didn't find a loophole in the law that allows me to do that.  I'm just allowed do that. 

If the rules don't restrict your location for spring practice, Harbaugh didn't find a loophole to practice in Florida.  He's just allowed do that. 



February 26th, 2016 at 11:42 AM ^

This is hilarious that coaches were expected to follow unwritten rules when so many were secretly violating the rules that are written down. Harbaugh realized how hilarious this was, saw the hypocrisy, and started hosting Michigan satellite camps all over the country. When coaches freaked out, he signed on Twitter and invited them all to join him.

I think this hits on the core issue and, as we all have said here, kudos to Harbaugh for essentially finding a creative way to point it out - the formal, written process is soundly mocked by many coaches through their violation of that process, but yet if you do the things that are allowed but not part of that process, those same coaches essentially freak out and decry your actions as dishonorable. It is hilarious because it is exposing a broken, exploitative process for what it is, not what others like to pretend it is. Harbaugh is, in fact, abiding by the rules - he's also showing you how nebulous the rules are and it is awesome in its own way. 


February 26th, 2016 at 12:34 PM ^

All articles, posts, and conversations regarding this topic are still missing the biggest point of all:

Harbaugh moving practice to spring break week actually benefits, not hinders, the student athlete.  This way students can focus more on school, not football, during actual school timeframes.

By the SEC & ACC saying these camps shouldn't be allowed over spring break week, they are effectively saying football must occur during school time and not break time

Really, SEC?  Having students go to class and then football practice is better to than having football seperated from class for a while?  And to have them tout the "interests of the student athlete" as the basis for their claim.  What horse****.  Harbaugh's plan actually benefits the student athlete without the bonus recruiting benefits.

Harbaugh is obviously doing this for recruiting purposes and publicity, but even without that purpose this sort of Spring Break/football thing would be great for all schools to do to lessen the athletic/academic demands on the student athlete.


  • Same amount of practice time
  • Spring break week divorces football from academic demands for at least a little while.  Benefits academics and benefits football focus.
  • Makes sure kids don't get in trouble over spring break.
  • Makes the parents feel good due to the above bullet.
  • Kids actually get to go to Flordia for spring break and have fun along with practice.
  • Other folks get to watch Michigan practices without having to travel to Michigan.

This is a win-win-win-win for the students, parents, coaches, and Michigan overall.

The only losers in this whole situation is the SEC and ACC.  But how dare they say this is "bad" for the student athlete.  Nothing could be further from the truth.




February 26th, 2016 at 2:09 PM ^

The fact that the SEC, ACC and now Emmert believe its more important that kids have a week of drunken debauchery rather than a week away from football during the most important time in the school year is pathetic.


February 26th, 2016 at 7:22 PM ^

You are absolutely right except for one thing. The only loser in this is situation is whatever coach wont get off his lazy ass and become a more innovatve recruiter. Football recruiting is evolving and coaches have to keep up or be left behnd.

Instead of having a pouting session and running to tell on Harb., and trying to get the rules changed, they need to be thinking of new ways to bring more attention to their own programs or use the same tactics to recruit other areas. They couldn't expect the gravy train ride that's gotten them all fat to last forever.    


February 26th, 2016 at 12:34 PM ^

I love this story.  Not only does it blatantly call out the hypocrisy of this whole thing but there's some great metaphor weaved throughout it.  Which I can appreciate.

double blue

February 26th, 2016 at 2:31 PM ^

Overall it's a great article, but I hate he implies that these efforts are an affront to the American values. If anything i think it says more about values, it's supposed to fun. It's clean, ethical, hard working fun. Nothing better than that.

Sent from MGoBlog HD for iPhone & iPad


February 26th, 2016 at 7:56 PM ^

embed fail on my end :(
Sam just tweeted that the team will be seeing the Tigers game while there. 
OMG! Think of the children! They're actually going to have fun while down there! 


February 27th, 2016 at 11:40 AM ^

This kind of reminds me when Tiger hit the PGA.  Before then, pro golfers didn't really weight lift or condition themselves like pure athletes did.  The rest of the PGA had to catch up to him.  

That's kind of what Harbaugh feels like.  He's doing all this off the field stuff, and all the coaches around the country are starting to think: "^#&* I'm going to have work harder/longer, bring in more new ideas, and basically bust my ass to keep up".  Now coaches have to tell their familiies - sorry no spring break this year - we're taking the team to <here> or we're having the Lions coaches and players come in and scrimmage with us or.... etc... something new creative.  

The fun part is that its not Harbaugh trying really really hard - it just Harbaug being Harbaugh.  All of this stuff is a gimic of a show, its just how Harbaugh takes on each and every day of his life.  Man is the fun time to be a Michigan fan!