Corey Malone-Hatcher releasing DPJ video

Submitted by FanNamedOzzy on

I collaborated with CMH again to create a video for DPJ - will update post when it drops. Let's get it trending! #DPJtoAA

So excited about this move today guys. We NEED this guy // BEST athlete in the country and its not a secret #GoBlue #??toAA

— Corey Malone-Hatcher (@CMH2017) October 5, 2016

**EDIT** Here's the video - (Music is definitely NSFW)


C A S S T E C H , D E T R O I T
---------------------------------------------------#DPJtoAA #GoBlue

— Corey Malone-Hatcher (@CMH2017) October 5, 2016


October 6th, 2016 at 12:56 AM ^

Really don't see a purpose for these guys to write such graphic lyrics. The biggest issue I have is the use of the N word. You can't throw it around and then be aghast when other races use it too.

Wish you had used the clean version so I can show my kids. Don't want to run the risk of them showing their friends and seeing it again unmuted.


October 6th, 2016 at 2:06 PM ^

If I were making a video for the fans I would have made it more family-friendly. Since it wasn't made with that audience in mind, I didn't take that into account.

I likely won't use a song that explicit again just because more people are less likely to enjoy and share a video with that kind of music in general.


October 5th, 2016 at 1:24 PM ^

Umm... isn't it "Peoples"? With an 's'? I played the video and when the name comes up in the beginning it says "People". Hoping it's just a weird formatting thing and everyone else can see the 's' that I can't...


October 5th, 2016 at 6:25 PM ^

It's not just a simple "change it" thing. That'd require making the change, re-rendering the video, and then deleting the tweet and re-uploading the video.

I'm not a member of the Michigan recruiting staff, just a fan. Yes, I should have triple-checked - not great, but he liked it regardless.