
October 31st, 2015 at 2:08 PM ^

Go Tigers! However, everyone in BH and SW Michigan did already know who coach U was before this year. Sorry to nitpick, SVP. Great story still! Hopefully I can make it to the Zeeland game, even though the good guys have quite the uphill battle


October 31st, 2015 at 2:37 PM ^

True. He did coach with great success at neighboring St Joe for some time. ESPN made it seem like some great coaching talent came out of the woodwork after living in solitude. Nevertheless, I'm from the area and can certainly appreciate how impactful he is being as a person and how badly BH needs inspiration.

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October 31st, 2015 at 2:10 PM ^

When they want to do so, ESPN really does a good job with human interest items like this. I really liked the quote at they mentioned towards the end too, how Uzelac said that at his age, it was not about wins and losses but giving young men better lives. It is hard to think of a better legacy to leave at any level really. 


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